mY Ausseerland guide
Online and up-to-date through the Ausseerland!
Let our Ausseerland Guide inspire you and accompany you through the Styrian Salzkammergut. The myAusseerland Guide is available 24 hours a day and informs you about opening hours of restaurants and stores, has event tips and suggestions for activities in the region and has tour suggestions for every demand.
That's how it works
2 variants for every demand!
The Ausseerland Guide is a browser-based app - so no installation is required.
Variant 1
meinAusseerland vacation guide - for overnight guests
Register with the vacation guide. If your host has entered your email address in the guest registration system, you will receive the registration link by email. If you have not received a link by email, please use the registration form linked below. After registration you will receive an access link and can create your personal account. The use of our vacation guide is data protection compliant and voluntary, you do not have to follow the access link sent to you by eMail. If you decide otherwise, you can join at any time later. The use of the vacation guide is coordinated with the planned specified travel duration.
Variant 2
meinAusseerland Guide - for day guests and locals
Register with the vacation guide. The entry of your email address and the creation of an account is necessary to use the full range of functions (e.g. ticket purchase). The access will be activated for 3 months - after this period you can simply register again with your login data and use the vacation guide for another 3 months.