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Wed., 14/08/2024 from 19:30 o'clock

The last chapter

The Austrian writer Arnolt Bronnen was one of the most enigmatic and contradictory figures on the German-language literary scene of the early 20th century.

He was the young star of the Weimar Republic thanks to the sensational success of his play "Vatermord", and became the most frequently performed author of those years.

In 1926, he joined Reichsrundfunk, where he became dramaturge. His radio play work was groundbreaking.

He changed political fronts several times. Immediately after the end of the second wold war, he bacame mayor of Goisern in upper austria. After stops in Linz and vienna, he spent the last years of his life in east berlin, supported by his old friend Bert Brecht.

His daughter Franziska Bronnen will read and comment on excerpts from his autobiography "Arnolt Bronnen gibt zu Protokoll".

Date and time

Wed., 14/08/2024
Starts at: 19:30 O'clock (Duration: 90 Minutes)

Event location

Grundlsee - Gabillon house Grundlsee


Die Arche am Grundlsee
Adelheid Picha
Bräuhof 59
8993 Grundlsee
Mobile +43 677 642 638 49


Die Arche am Grundlsee
Adelheid Picha
Bräuhof 59
8993 Grundlsee
Mobile +43 677 642 638 49


Die Arche am Grundlsee
Adelheid Picha
Bräuhof 59
8993 Grundlsee
Mobile +43 677 642 638 49