© Erzberg Leoben | Weges © Erzberg Leoben | Weges

    Styrian Iron Trail

    The new long-distance hiking trail "Styrian Iron Trail" leads through the Region Erzberg-Leoben in 10 days, covering a total of 200 kilometers and 9,000 altimeters.


    • ATTENTION: The 3rd section is temporarly closed due to work following a windthrow. A bypass route can be found on Outdoor-Active. 
    • Well-equipped with new merchandise items - water bottle, snack box and T-shirt in Styrian Iron Trail design
    • 26 certified Styrian Iron Trail businesses - which means they are ideally located on the route with perfect facilities, service and gastronomy
    • Special hiking offers (trail tryouts, special offering of luggage transport etc.) Gasthof Eberhard, more businesses to follow
    • Collected all the stamps? - Get a prize at the Erzberg Leoben Tourist Office + a chance to win the main prize
    • Camping along the route is not permitted





    „The most important piece of luggage is and remains a cheerful heart.“
    Hermann Löns, journalist and author



    Marking and signposting system

    Special attention should be paid to the marking and signposting system of the "Styrian Iron Trail". In general, red-white-red markings are used, but the main intersections are marked with direction arrows (orange signs with logo). Red-white-red stickers with the logo have also been affixed in the villages. Standardized information boards have been installed in the villages to give hikers a good overview of the entire route.

    How is the logo put together?

    The logo is a direct reference to the trail: the outer line shows the entire course of the trail; the three lines stand for the steps of the Erzberg and the upswing of the region. The orange color symbolizes the power of the glowing iron. The clear visibility in the terrain also contributed significantly to the decision. This tourism project literally runs as an "orange thread" through the municipalities and connects them within the new touristic Erzberg Leoben experience region.


    „Styrian Iron Trail“ Facts

    • Starting point: St. Michael (reachable via train)
    • End point: Leoben (reachable via train)
    • Distance: 200 KM
    • Segments: 10

    Overview of all the tour options

    Styrian iron trail tours

    Here you can find the complete overview of the 10 sections and then section 1 - 7 in detail. The detailed view of section 8 - 10 can be found here on Outdooractive and a little further down on this page.


    Styrian Iron Trail | © wegesaktiv
    St. Michael in Obersteiermark medium
    Route 205,3 km
    Duration 70:00 h

    Styrian Iron Trail - Gesamttour 10 Etappen

    1.  Etappe Styrian Iron Trail von St. Michael nach Seiz/Kammern - ERZBERG LEOBEN | © wegesaktiv
    St. Michael in Obersteiermark medium
    Route 21,2 km
    Duration 6:30 h

    Styrian Iron Trail - 1. Etappe St.Michael - Ulrichskirche / Seiz

    2. Etappe Styrian Iron Trail von Seiz/Kammern nach Mautern | © wegesaktiv
    Kammern in Liesingtal medium
    Route 13,3 km
    Duration 5:00 h

    Styrian Iron Trail - 2. Etappe Ulrichskirche / Seiz - Mautern

    3. Etappe Styrian Iron Trail - Von Mautern über Kalwang nach Wald am Schoberpaß | © wegesaktiv
    Mautern medium Closed
    Route 23,2 km
    Duration 7:30 h

    GESCHLOSSEN -Styrian Iron Trail - 3. Etappe Mautern - Wald am Schoberpaß

    4. Etappe Styrian Iron Trail - Von Wald am Schoberpaß über den Zeiritzkampel nach Radmer a.d. Stube | © wegesaktiv
    Wald am Schoberpass challenging
    Route 21,0 km
    Duration 8:00 h

    Styrian Iron Trail - 4. Etappe Wald am Schoberpaß - Radmer an der Stube

    5. Etappe Styrian Iron Trail - Von Radmer nach Eisenerz | © wegesaktiv
    Radmer medium
    Route 16,2 km
    Duration 5:30 h

    Styrian Iron Trail - 5. Etappe Radmer an der Stube - Eisenerz

    6  Etappe Styrian Iron Trail - Von Eisenerz über den Leopoldsteinersee auf die Sonnschienalm | © wegesaktiv
    Eisenerz medium
    Route 21,0 km
    Duration 8:00 h

    Styrian Iron Trail - 6. Etappe Eisenerz - Sonnschienalm

    7. Etappe Styrian Iron Trail - Von der Sonnschienalm über den Grünen See nach Vordernberg | © wegesaktiv
    Tragöß-St. Katharein medium Closed
    Route 25,3 km
    Duration 8:30 h

    Styrian Iron Trail - 7. Etappe Sonnschienalm - Vordernberg

    Sections 8 - 10


    Due to the display options on the page, the segments must be displayed on top of each other.

    8  Etappe Styrian Iron Trail Vordernberg St Peter | © wegesaktiv
    Vordernberg medium
    Route 20,2 km
    Duration 6:30 h

    Styrian Iron Trail - 8. Etappe Vordernberg - St. Peter-Freienstein

    St.Peter-Freienstein, 605 m | Fa. WEGES OG im Auftrag der Abenteuer- und Sportregion ERZBERG LEOBEN | © Weges OG
    St. Peter Freienstein medium
    Route 24,1 km
    Duration 7:25 h

    Styrian Iron Trail - 9. Etappe St.Peter-Freienstein - Niklasdorf

    10. Etappe Styrian Iron Trail - Von Niklasdorf über die Mugel nach Leoben | © wegesaktiv
    Niklasdorf medium
    Route 19,4 km
    Duration 7:00 h

    Styrian Iron Trail - 10. Etappe Niklasdorf - Leoben

    The Styrian iron trail "hiking warm-up" sections 1-3 

    The first 3 sections of the long-distance hiking trail "styrian iron trail" in Styria are perfect as a "hiking warm-up". The trail leads from St. Michael via Traboch to Mautern and on to Wald am Schoberpaß , allowing you to get to know the hiking potential of the Liesingtal .

    Highlights along the way:

    Lake Traboch, St. Ulrich Church in Seiz, Marterlweg, Rittersteig, Mellingalm.

    Hiking data:
    Day 1: St. Michael to Seiz (21,2 Kilometer / 520 Hm)
    Day 2: Seiz to Mautern (13,3 Kilometer / 750 Hm)
    Day 3: Mautern to Wald am Schoberpaß (23,3 Kilometer / 1000 Hm)

    ATTENTION: The 3rd section is temporarly closed due to work following a windthrow. A bypass route can be found on Outdoor-Active

    The Styrian Iron Trail - mountain sections

    From the 4th section onwards, long-distance hikers can expect more challenging mountain trails (Radmer, Eisenerz, Sonnschienhütte, Tragöß to Vordernberg). The route takes 4 days from Wald am Schoberpaß to Vordernberg.

    Highlights along the way:
    Antonicross, Nordic Training Center of ÖSV, Schichtturm, Lake Leopoldsteiner, Green Lake

    Day 4: Wald am Schoberpaß to Radmer an der Stube (21 Kilometer / 1320 Hm)
    Day 5: Radmer an der Stube to Eisenerz (16,2 Kilometer / 780 Hm)
    Day 6: Eisenerz to Sonnschienalm (21 Kilometer / 1300 Hm)
    Day 7: Sonnschienalm to Vordernberg (25,3 Kilometer / 1000 Hm) 

    The STYRIAN IRON TRAIL - Finisher

    When the "Styrian Iron Trails" comes to an end, the hike leads from Vordernberg to Leoben in 3 days. The last sections offer a beautiful finish via Trofaiach, the Himberger Eck, the local mountain for Leobeners, the Mugel, and all the way to Leoben.

    Highlights along the way:
    Radwerk IV, pilgrimage church Maria Freienstein, Barbara Chapel, Maßencastle

    Day 8: Vordernberg to St. Peter-Freienstein (20,2 Kilometer / 600 Hm)
    Day 9: St. Peter-Freienstein to Niklasdorf (24,2 Kilometer / 880 Hm)
    Day 10: Niklasdorf to Leoben (19,4 Kilometer / 1180 Hm)

    Perfectly coordinated offers

    enjoyment along the way

    Travel planning is the be-all and end-all, but it also takes up valuable time. Unless you opt for one of the ready-made vacation packages. From an offer for the Gesäuse National Park to a package for a hiking vacation through the Schilcherland and southern Styria including luggage transport: Styria fulfills your heart's desires.


    certified Accommodations along the way

    Hiking together



    WEGES is the full-service hiking agency in Styria - the green heart of Austria.

    With Weges' founders, Silvia Sarcletti and Elisabeth Zienitzer, the "Styrian Iron Trail" can also be hiked as a guided tour. You can find more detailed information here.

    Hiking in styria