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Services within the Gesäuse Partner Network


Clay plates

We are proud of our network and our partners and therefore we want to show the whole world who a Gesäuse partner is. The clay plaque is the literal figurehead of every partner. It is awarded together with the membership with every new admission. The plaque distinguishes a partner business from the outside. It is a statement, a seal of quality and an honour for the business.



You are visible as a member of the exclusive Gesäuse Partner network

  • Exchange of ideas with Gesäuse partners and development of new initiatives
  • Annual closing as a networking event
  • Gesäuse Innovation Award as an innovation driver and advertising platform
  • Regular company visits
  • Annual excursions as part of the networking programme
  • Support for own events in the network
  • WhatsApp and social media group for rapid dialogue
  • Partner for new business relationships
  • Use of the Gesäuse Partner Label
  • on your website
  • on your products (e.g. through labels)
  • on your printed matter
  • Support with the branding of regional products
  • Joint purchase of various products
  • (e.g. bottled wine glasses)
  • Opportunity to present the business
  • on the partner website
  • in joint displays
  • on regional info screens
  • Further training if required
  • Professional photo service for Gesäuse partners


You are an ambassador for our values

Compliance with the catalogue of criteria (see Quality and Partnership Criteria 2023+)

  • Positive commitment to the further development of the network
  • Feedback and suggestions for improvement
  • Participation in training courses, industry round tables, further training and evaluations
  • At least 1x/year participation in the industry round table
  • Comprehensive information about the region, the national park, nature and geopark, tourism association, Gesäuse shared taxi for potential customers and guests
  • Promotion of our events and offers through the distribution of up-to-date information material and verbal recommendations
  • Highly visible placement of the partner logo
  • Consideration of aspects of environmental protection, energy efficiency, waste separation, etc.
  • Use of regional products
  • Punctual payment of the membership fee
  • Campaigns that increase individual sales
  • Marketing for individual businesses

Pick out the cherries


On the following pages you will find a clear overview of where we can help you. However, not as part of your membership with the Gesäuse partners. The following services are extra services offered by the tourism association, the national park and the nature and geopark. If you are interested in any of the following services, simply contact and we will be happy to help you.


Every partner can show their best side! And to ensure that this succeeds, inclusion in the network also includes a professional photo shoot to harmonise the external appearance of the company partners. The pictures can of course be used in your marketing, just like the logo. We will organise a shoot with a professional photographer for you. End product: Three pictures of you for you. One of you, one of the company, one of the product.


brochure tree

A physical brochure stand in a favourable location is still a bank as far as the distribution of printed products is concerned. And that's why we've had the partner tree for over 10 years now, which can be found in almost every partner business and contains the most important regional brochures. Our guests need local suggestions and information. Locally means in the pub, at the accommodation provider or when shopping in a retail outlet. And this is exactly where the partner stand comes in: cross-selling in Gesäuse style

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A picture is worth a thousand words, as they say in the Gesäuse. That is why the tourism association always endeavours to present the diversity of the Gesäuse region, including its businesses and people, in the best possible way in pictures and words. Suggestions and photo requests for individual businesses, products or services are also welcome. The rights of use for the resulting photos of individual businesses can be acquired from the tourism association on request. Your contact person for this is Thomas Sattler at:

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The website is often the first (digital) point of contact with the guest and is decisive for the subsequent process. The tourism association therefore provides regional businesses with a low-cost website template. This corresponds in design and functionality to the Gesäuse or Styria website. You can find out all the details about your possible new website as well as costs etc. from the tourism association.

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The tourism association enables all businesses to offer their products and services digitally and sell them directly online! All regional experiences are recorded at, organised by category and thus made easily and simply accessible to potential customers. Regardless of whether these are outdoor activities, culinary or cultural offers, whether free of charge or for a fee - here you can put your products and services in the digital spotlight. Be creative, there are no limits!

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Event Calendar

Men and women should celebrate festivals as they come. And fortunately, they often come in abundance in the Gesäuse region. Ideally accompanied by brass band music, the fun is guaranteed. But even international festivals seem to shout out: Hear, hear! Do you also have an event that you'd like to promote through the website and other channels (online and offline) of the tourism association? We'd be happy to show you how easy it is.

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Gesäuse Photo Database

Someone has really put some thought into this. Making the whole region experienceable through pictures, generating "content" as we like to say nowadays. And in that regard, the Gesäuse region is a true master. There are now thousands of photos available to everyone in a photo database, if their use is beneficial to the marketing of the Gesäuse region. So, go ahead and register, browse, and then share our magnificent shots with the world.

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Nature Park Resort

Thanks to the Gesäuse Tourism Association, accommodation providers and businesses in the region are supported in digitization and online booking. We go one step further and, with our Nature Park Resort Gesäuse, take on certain additional services within the Nature and Geopark. The Nature Park Resort Gesäuse helps to consolidate bed resources in the Nature Park and market them centrally. On the one hand, small and very small landlords should be supported in marketing and sales, and on the other hand, vacancies should be revived, thus making the region more attractive by revitalizing the places.



Sustainability, regionalism, ecological management... empty catchphrases for you? Let's fill them up! We assist Gesäuse partners in implementing the Austrian Ecolabel for their businesses. Do you want to promote the Austrian Ecolabel for your business? Then turn to us. Initial consultation, organization, and support for the application process: free of charge. Application fees, processing: depending on the effort involved.


Orchard Trees

Der Natur- und Geopark Steirische Eisenwurzen setzt sich regional für Kulturlandschaftserhalt ein. Eine besondere Kulturlandschaft im Gesäuse sind die Streuobstwiesen. Daher vermehrt der Natur- und Geopark regionale Streuobstsorten. Seltene Sorten sind in verschiedenen Größen erhältlich – bekanntes wie Lederapfel oder Williams Christbirne, aber auch Besonderheiten wie der „Gesäuseapfel“! Bei uns gibt es ideale Obstbäume von Tafel über Wirtschafts- und Mostobst und noch dazu dem heimischen Klima angepasst.Als Ges.use Partner erh.ltst du die Gesäuse Streuobstbäume zum Einkaufspreis!


Nature Interpretation

The Nature and Geopark Steirische Eisenwurzen has been working closely with certified nature interpreters (nature and landscape guides, herbal educators, forest educators, hiking guides, etc.) for many years. This pool of nature interpretation professionals can also be utilized by Gesäuse partners, for example, if a framework program is needed for a festival, etc.
