Johnsbacher Sagenweg - The Wild John
At 10 stations, the story of the Wild John - a synonym for the passing Johnsbach - is first captivated by man and finally freed by dwarves. This liberation refers to the recent renaturation of the Johnsbach, which is now allowed to flow again where it used to flow before the stream was regulated.
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from direction Hieflau: approx. 14 km on the Gesäusebundesstraße B 146
Here you can already learn about the history of the "Wild John". 9 more stations follow at regular intervals from the giant playground to the giant picnic area and finally the liberation of the giant by the dwarves. At all stations we are invited to actively participate and there are many surprises and much to be amazed about. After we have freed the giant, we just want to continue hiking and just enjoy the bizarre nature of this canyon-like lower Johnsbach valley. Along the creek we meet the "Hunchbacked Tailor", the "Petrified Schoolmaster" - all natural rock figures that have inspired people to adventurous legends in the past. After we have passed the rock gate of the "Silberreith", the last section of the path leads right over a steep path up to the baroque Johnsbacher Kircherl with the historic mountaineers' cemetery.
Postbus Linie 912: Haltestelle Weidendom
Rufbus Linie 917: Haltestelle Weidendom
Tourismusverband GesäuseHauptstraße 35,
8911 Admont, Österreich
Tel. +43 (0) 3613 21160 10
Email: info@gesaeuse.at
arto.at / Wander-, Rad- & Schitourenkarte „Nationalpark Gesäuse“Gesäuseberge – Haller Mauern – Eisenerzer Alpen West, Nr. 801
M 1: 35.000 http://www.carto.at/gesaeuse/
Kompass/ Wander-, Fahrrad- & Schitourenkarte „Nationalpark Gesäuse“, Nr. 206
M 1 : 25.000 http://www.kompass.de/touren-und-regionen/wanderkarte/dest/100148-alpenregion-nationalpark-gesaeuse/
Alpenvereinskarte „Gesäuse und Ennstaler Alpen“, Blatt 16, M 1 : 25.000
Rother Wanderführer Gesäuse