Plan your holiday in Hochsteiermark
What amenities do the accommodation providers of Hochsteiermark offer? Which cultural events or sports events will take place during your stay? Or have you only just decided on Hochsteiermark as your next holiday destination? Then it might be a good idea to have a look at our offers and package deals.
Plus, do you know about Hochsteiermark’s best attractions for children? For instance, there’s the “Flylinas Hexenflug” rollercoaster zipline at Mariazeller Bürgeralpe or the Forest of Senses at Mürzer Oberland Nature Park.
Of course, Hochsteiermark also boasts plenty of excursion destinations for grown-ups. Outdoor enthusiasts will find detailed route descriptions on the tour portal. All you have to do is pick your choice and get in the holiday mood! Plus, you could also have a look at the region’s many webcams.
Do you have any questions on your holiday planning? Don’t hesitate to get in touch!