© Mariazeller Bürgeralpe |  Rudy Dellinger © Mariazeller Bürgeralpe |  Rudy Dellinger
Castles, mountains, glassblowing – excursion destinations

Excursion destinations in Hochsteiermark

Whether it’s Mariazell Pilgrimage Basilica, the knights of Oberkapfenberg Castle, the impressive mountain world of the Hochschwab massif or the Waldheimat region, home to famous Austrian poet Peter Rosegger. The UNESCO world heritage Semmering railway, Austria’s only earth station in Aflenz or the glass manufactory in Neuberg an der Mürz. Hochsteiermark is full of thrilling, fascinating and surprising excursion destinations!


All excursion destinations in Hochsteiermark at a glance

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Ellersbacherhof | © Ellersbacherhof
  • Stanz

Erlebnis Permakulturhof Ellersbacher

Take a look behind the scenes of permaculture In various workshops and guided tours you will get insights and knowledge...
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Naturschutzzentrum Weitental | © M. Maili
  • Bruck an der Mur

Naturschutzzentrum Weitental Bruck an der Mur

The Weitental in Styria is an absolute must for everyone who loves nature. Only a 20-minute walk from the city center...
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Bootsverleih | © TV Hochsteiermark | Rudy Dellinger
  • Mariazell

Bootsverleih am Erlaufsee

Enjoy the wonderful landscape during a boat trip on the Erlaufsee lake
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Das Baderhaus | © K. Pashkovskaya
  • Bruck an der Mur

Das Baderhaus

The former bathhouse from the 16th century is a real historical treasure of the city. The house now houses a restaurant...
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Mariazeller Bürgeralpe - Bergstation | © Mariazeller Bürgeralpe | Rudy Dellinger
  • Mariazell

Mariazeller Bürgeralpe - Sommer

A trip to the Mariazell Bürgeralpe is a must during a visit!
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Blick auf die Basilika | © TV Hochsteiermark / Brigitte Digruber
  • open today
  • Mariazell

Mariazeller Stadtspaziergang

Experience the unique history of the pilgrimage site on a tour through the center of Mariazell.
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Sieberwarte 1 | © Naturpark Mürzer Oberland (c) Andreas Steininger
  • Neuberg an der Mürz


The small wooden lookout tower over Neuberg an der Mürz stands almost unnoticed. Accessible with a short walk uphill,...
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Bergwerksmuseum Montanarum_01
  • Neuberg an der Mürz

Bergwerksmuseum Montanarum

In the small mining museum Montanarum in Altenberg an der Rax, the history of the ore mines around Altenberg is...
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Blick zur Bruder Klaus Kirche | © TV Hochsteiermark
  • Mariazell

Bruder Klaus Kirche

The Brother Klaus Church on the banks of the Hubertus Lake in the Walster area lies in the heart of an untouched...
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Sessellift | © Bergbahnen Mitterbach | Kolonovits
  • Mariazell

Gemeindealpe Mitterbach - Sommer

Gemeindealpe Mitterbach Unique mountain experience with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains
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Rennsportfeeling, Schwabenbergarena Turnau | © Schwabenbergarena Turnau
  • Turnau - Seewiesen

Schwabenbergarena Turnau

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© Heselehof | nicoleseiser.at

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