Alpine hike to Gams and Edelweiss
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From Aflenz Kurort we reach the Aflenzer Bürgeralm (1510 m) either on foot (walking time approx. 2 hours), via the toll road (passable from May to October) or with the double chairlift (operating times 2020: May 30 to October 26 each Saturday, Sunday and holiday from 9-17 hrs).
From the Almboden we hike over the Schönleiten (1810 m) and the Zlakensattel (1743 m) to the plateau of the Mitteralm (1920 m), from where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the Hochschwab south face and the surrounding mountains.
On the way you are sure to see some representatives of the largest European population of chamois. In June and July, the view sweeps over arnica, edelweiss, alpine carnations, auricula and various species of gentian - then the Hochschwab is one magnificent alpine flower garden.
After the descent to the Fölzsattel (1626 m) you reach the Fölzalm (1484 m) at the foot of wild climbing rocks such as Fölzstein, Winkelkogel, Schartenspitze and Mitteralpenturm.
Descent from the Fölzalm into the Fölzgraben to the Schwabenbartl (814 m).
Trail conditions: road, forest trail, alpine marked trails and paths.Refreshment stops: At the Aflenzer Bürgeralm - Almrauschhütte (tel. 03861/22125 or 0664/7635035), Schönleitenhaus (tel. 0664/5999715, www.schoenleitenhaus.at), Grasserhütte on the Fölzalm (tel. 03861/3622 or 2697, www.grasserhuette.jimdosite.com) and Alpengasthof Schwabenbartl (tel. 03861/3334).Difficulty: mediumTotal walking time: 5.5 hours from Aflenzer Bürgeralm, 7 hours from Aflenz Kurort - recommended for experienced walkers and mountain experts!TIP! Combiticket: ascent with the double chairlift (May 30 to October 26, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to the Aflenz Bürgeralm and cab ride back from the Schwabenbartl at 4:45 p.m. to the starting point (price: € 14,- per person).
Regional cab companies:Cab Hochschwabreisen (Tel. 03861/2400), Taxi Gombotz (Tel. 03862/24990) and Taxi Steiner (Tel. 03862/51333 18).
Weitere Informationen:Tourismusverband HochsteiermarkTel. +43 (0)3862 55020www.hochsteiermark.at
Hiking map "Hochschwab" No. 041 (Freytag & Berndt)Hiking map "Hochschwab" (cartography Hafner, www.carto.at )
Hiking map "Hochschwab Mariazell" WK 212 (map publisher Kompass, www.kompass.at )
Hiking guide Hochschwab - G. u. L. Auferbauer (Bergverlag Rother, Munich) Hiking experience Hochschwab & Hohe Veitsch - Hans Hödl (NP Verlag)