Mürztal Cycling Route R5
Beautiful places along the cycle path invite you to take small breaks. Especially in the summer months, a refreshing break at the Neuberg recreational pond "Urani", at the recreational lake in Krieglach or on the banks of the Mürz to cool your feet is recommended.
Culinary delights are well catered for. Many inns near the cycle path invite you to take a break and enjoy some regional refreshments.
From Bruck an der Mur you can continue along the Murradweg R2 in the direction of Graz or end the day with a delicious ice cream on Bruck's main square.
TIP: For leisurely pedal knights there are e-bike rental stations available, e.g. E-Bock, the e-bike store in Mürzzuschlag.
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From the north: From St. Pölten on the B20, the Mariazeller Bundesstraße, to Türnitz, then on the B214, the Hohenberger Bundesstraße, to Mitterbach and then on the B21, the Gutensteiner Bundesstraße towards Terz.Follow the road over the Lahnsattel via Frein to Mürzsteg.
Our further route now winds to the southwest and leads us via Hönigsberg to Langenwang and on to Krieglach in Peter Rosegger's Waldheimat. In Krieglach there is the possibility for sporty cyclists to climb the Alpl and thus the heart of the Waldheimat on the Joglland - Waldheimat Radl' Roas (mountain route). However, we cycle on from Krieglach via Mitterdorf and Wartberg to Kindberg with its striking guild tree (Trachtenbaum). In Kindberg there are also some local mountain bike trails for all mountain bikers.
Only briefly the bike path leads us at the sports field in the direction of Stanzertal and after a few meters the path turns again to the southwest and we reach Allerheiligen im Mürztal. Now it goes almost always along the Mürz across fields and along wooded areas to St. Marein. Here we have to be careful not to miss the path at Graschnitz. Keeping to the right, the route leads us past small gardens to Kapfenberg and behind the train station and a large paper factory to Bruck an der Mur, our destination. Here a visit to the historic main square is obligatory.
The total distance is 68 km. For the most part, the route runs along the Mürz River, downstream, with few climbs.
A stop for an excellent lunch is recommended in Langenwang. In the middle of the village you will find the Hotel Restaurant Krainer, where the award-winning chef Andreas Krainer will spoil you with his excellent creations.
After another leisurely hour of cycling, you reach Kindberg . To ride through the small town, you have to briefly leave the R5 and follow the main road. Kindberg delights with the Zunktbaum in the middle of town and the pedestrian zone spoils with coffee and ice cream specialties.
Once you arrive in Bruck an der Mur, you will find several culinary tips: The Riegler Inn directly on the main square, the winery in the Baderhaus located directly on the Mur or and the 2 toque restaurant "Johanns".
Tel: +43 3862 55020
E-bike filling stations:
JACafe on the main square in Neuberg an der Mürz
Teichwirt Urani in Neuberg: Teichwirt Urani, Lichtenbach 1
Mürzzuschlag: elektromob!l Wiener Straße 28 or company Hillebrand: Verrein Elektrofahren.at, Wiener Straße 59
Krieglach: electrical engineering A. Grabner, Karl-Morre-Gasse 66
Mürzhofen: Gasthof Turmwirt, Turmgasse 2
Kapfenberg: Kapfenberg public utility company, Stadtwerkestraße 6
Bruck/Mur: Main square, Koloman-W. -Platz, Gasthof Pichler, Brucker Str. 110, Stadtwerke GmbH near Murinsel 2
E-bike rental:
Sport Buchebner in Spital am Semmering, T: 0664 1311176
E-Bock Bike-Center in Mürzzuschlag, T: 03852 2025-222
Sport Koiser in Krieglach, T: 0680 2164800 (also bike & mountain bike rental)
Stadtwerke in Kapfenberg, T: 03862 23516-2236
Radfolder "R5 Mürztalradweg" - der HOCHsteirische Familienradweg beim TRV HOCHsteiermark anfordern.
www.steiermark.com/hochsteiermark, tourismus@hochsteiermark.at, T: 03862-55020
Radfolder "R5 Mürztalradweg" - der HOCHsteirische Familienradweg beim TRV HOCHsteiermark anfordern.
www.steiermark.com/hochsteiermark , tourismus@hochsteiermark.at, T: 03862-55020