Theme path Arthur Krupp Monument Trail - Touren-Impression #1 | © TV Hochsteiermark Theme path Arthur Krupp Monument Trail - Touren-Impression #1 | © TV Hochsteiermark

Arthur Krupp Monument Trail

Scenic day tour along 21 monuments from Annaberg, past Lake Hubertus, to Mariazell.
The Arthur Krupp Monument Trail leads us from Annaberg via the Walster spring and Ulreichsberg to the Walstern to Lake Hubertus and then through the Rechengraben to Mariazell. Along the way we find a total of 21 statues, monuments, statues, etc., which commemorate the work of Arthur Krupp.

The great industrialist Arthur Krupp (1856 - 1938, Berndorfer Metallwarenwerk) was the lord of the hunt in the Walstern from 1894 to 1938. The Walstern Valley owes its high cultural and scenic value and fame to him. He had some important buildings and monuments erected, e.g. Emperor Franz Josef statue, Christophorus picture, Morzin fountain, Tyrolean cross, the Walstern power station (Krupp'sche Klause), Margaret statue in memory of Krupp's wife, Bülow memorial stone, Hubertus chapel, Antonius column, Czedik monument and many more.



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
21,9 km
5:40 h
162 hm
257 hm
1023 m
Highest point

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More information

You can find detailed information about the journey here
The hike takes us from the parking lot shortly after Annaberg first on the hiking trail in the direction of Tirolerkogel, then to the Walsterursprung (1st monument) to Ulreichsberg and further into the Walstern to Hubertussee. About 1 km before we arrive at the Hubertussee, there is the inn "Zur Wuchtlwirtin" - here we can take a break and taste the delicious Wuchteln. You can find the exact opening hours here.

Arrived at the Hubertussee, there are several monuments to admire along the way. Especially the Bruder Klaus church is worth a visit (open in the summer season).

From Lake Hubertus we then walk through the Rechengraben (ATTENTION: no hiking trail of its own, hiking along the road) to the foot of the Kreuzberg, where we rejoin the hiking trail and follow it to Mariazell.

From Mariazell we can return to Annaberg by bus line 169 at 15:55 (daily, also Sunday and holidays).

Stop at the Wuchtlwirtin at the Hubertussee - please note the opening days!
You can find timetables and travel information directly at: ,  or

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In Annaberg there is a free parking lot at the starting point of the tour.You can find parking facilities in Mariazell here
Tourism Association Hochsteiermark - Office Mariazeller Land

Main square 13, 8630 Mariazell

T: +43 3882 2366

You can get the SommerAktiv Card at the Tourist Association Hochsteiermark - Office Mariazeller Land!


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