Mariazeller Gründerweg - Stage 7
The shortest and final stage to the Magna Mater Austriae.
The Mariazell Founders' Trail runs from St. Lambrecht via Oberzeiring, Seckau, Mautern, Aflenz and Gußwerk to Mariazell. The pilgrimage route comprises impressive stages of almost 200 kilometres.
The 7th stage leads from Gußwerk over the Sigmundsberg to Mariazell and, thanks to its short distance and low level of difficulty, makes you forget the challenges of the last few days.
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The last short stage of the trail leads from Gußwerk partly over the old railway line along the Salza to the Sigmundsberg. Here there is a chapel dedicated to St Sigismund with a wonderful view of Mariazell.
Passing the JUFA, you reach Rasing. Here, the Gründerweg trail leads past the legendary ‘Ursprungsfelsen’ rock, which plays an important role in the legend surrounding the founding of Mariazell: This rock is said to have suddenly blocked the path of the monk Magnus on his way from St. Lambrecht to the Mariazell area. After praying to the Virgin Mary, the rock split and Magnus was able to continue on his way. Today you can actually see a piece of rock here that appears to have been split in two.
Continue to the main road to Mariazell, where you keep to the right and walk up the avenue to the basilica.
There are interesting historical buildings, sights and pilgrimage sites along the stage (including the chapel on Sigmundsberg, the original rock in the Rasing and, of course, the basilica at the destination of Mariazell).
Parking facilities in the centre of Gußwerk.
Basilika Mariazell | © (c) Steiermark Tourismus / Leo Himsl | Leo Himsl
Am Mariazellerweg 06B | © TV Hochsteiermark | Andreas Steininger
Mariazeller Heimathaus | © / Fred Lindmoser
What the weather will be like
Mariazell (860m)
Rain at times mixed with snow will last into the afternoon.
Rain will start in the morning. Towards evening the rain will be mixed with snow.
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