From Fischbach to Birkfeld, Fischbach
Relaxing hiking excursion along the orphan stream.
Beautiful and varied trail with shady forest and babbling brook.
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From Vienna via the A2 southern motorway and the S6 Semmering expressway to the Kindberg exit. Here through the Stanzertal on the Schanzsattel state road L114 to Fischbach. From Graz via the Weizer federal road B72 to Birkfeld and from here via the Schanzsattel state road L114 to Fischbach. From Linz/Salzburg/Munich via the Pyhrnautobahn A9 and the Semmering expressway S6 to the Kindberg exit. Continue as above. Further information:
- We start at the village square in Fischbach
- From there we walk in the direction of the bathing pond
- We walk past along the brook to the Angerkarl
- Here we turn left on the way No. 12 direction Waisenegg-Birkfeld
- Further we go to the jausenstaton "Hammerlschmied".
- From there we walk a short distance on an asphalted road and cross a junction
- We follow the red-white markings and turn right at the next fork in the road.
- From there we hike on comfortably until we finally reach Birkfeld
We recommend the Ederlseer Alm in Birkfeld.
Fischbach | © Tourismus Fischbach | Tourismus Fischbach
von fischbach nach birkfeld_img_13600410 | © Karl Zodl | Birgit Kandlbauer
von fischbach nach birkfeld_img_13600411 | © Karl Zodl | Birgit Kandlbauer
kühle Erfrischung | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Birgit Kandlbauer
Ortseinfahrt Fischbach | © Ortsentwicklungsverein Sagenhaft Fischbach | Ortsentwicklungsverein Sagenhaft Fischbach
What the weather will be like
Fischbach (992m)
Rainfall will end around noon, then the clouds will break up.
Dull and rainy. Also rain mixed with snow now and then.
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