Sigthseeing in Graz | © Graz Region | studio draussen Sigthseeing in Graz | © Graz Region | studio draussen
Explore Graz for free

Direct booking special

For every direct booking, we now offer a free tour of the old town. Visitors to Graz are rewarded time and time again, as there is so much to discover in the alleyways of the old town. 

When life awakens again in spring, the squares and streets come into bloom, in summer they are filled with the Mediterranean flair of the south and in autumn Schlossberg and Co. show off their wonderful play of colours. If you want to explore the many facets of the city, you can do so on your own or take part in a guided tour of the old town with the Graz Guides. On their tours through the Styrian capital, you will get to know the city, its history, historical anecdotes and many a secret.

As a special, every direct booking of a stay until 15 November 2024 now comes with a free guided tour of the old town per person. This is the perfect way to get to know the diverse history of Graz up close. Choose from the accommodation below and take advantage of the offer!

Accommodation in Graz

If you want to live right in the heart of the city and feel the lifestyle of the Mur metropolis, you will find the right accommodation in and around Graz's old town here.

Accommodation around Graz

If you want to go ‘from city to countryside in ten minutes’, you will find suitable accommodation in the varied landscape of the Graz Region.