From Krautwasch to the Gleinalm mountain hut
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Über das Stübingtal bis Geisthal. Nach dem ehemaligen Gasthof Abraham geht es rechts in Richtung Sattelbauer hinauf zum Krautwasch.
For those who enjoy walking, we recommend the high-altitude hike from the closed Krautwasch inn, over the Tiefensattel saddle up to the Gleinalm refuge. The starting point is the Krautwasch inn, which has been closed for years. From here, the trail leads uphill through the forest, partly on a forest road, past the Walzkogelhütte. You soon leave the forest road and walk through forest and clearings to the Kalkkreuz (1364 m). Immediately afterwards you come out into the open with a wonderful view of the mountain ranges to the west. In the section of forest that follows, you will see more than 25 anthills over a 20-minute walk. After a crossroads at the Tiefsattel (1349 m), you cross the summer pastures of the Lippizaner horses from the Piber stud farm south of the Ochsen-Kogel. At the Sandebenkreuz cross, the path branches off to the right and you walk moderately uphill through forest for approx. 20 minutes to the Gleinalmschutzhaus and the Maria Schnee pilgrimage church (1586 m). The descent follows the same route.
S1 Graz - Bruck a.M., Bahnhof Peggau-Deutschfeistritz, ab hier GUSTmobil bis zum Krautwasch (GU 1835)
Rechts am Straßenrand, kurz vor dem ehemaligen GH Krautwasch gibt es Parkmöglichkeiten.
Erlebnisregion Graz - Broschüre Wandern rund um Graz