A hike through shady forests and with a viewing window into Joglland, the Fischbach Alps and the Hochwechsel area!
A fairly leisurely hike for everyone with a small, quite steep passage, but which is rewarded with a wonderful view!
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Von Wien über die Südautobahn A2 und die Semmering-Schnellstraße S6 bis zur Abfahrt Kindberg. Hier durch das Stanzertal auf der Schanzsattel-Landesstraße L114 nach Fischbach.
Von Graz über die Weizer-Bundesstraße B72 bis Birkfeld und ab hier über die Schanzsattel-Landesstraße L114 nach Fischbach.
Von Linz/Salzburg/München über die Pyhrnautobahn A9 und die Semmering-Schnellstraße S6 bis zur Abfahrt Kindberg. Weiter wie oben.
Weitere Informationen: www.at.map24.com
- We start our tour at the village square in Fischbach and walk to the petrol station
- We turn right in front of it and follow the road past a large warehouse, where the gravel road begins
- At first we have a good view towards Falkenstein, then we enjoy the tranquillity of the forest
- In a bend to the right, we turn left onto a narrow, steep path uphill along a small stream
- This path eventually leads into a forest path, which we continue along until we reach the “Gräfinnen-Villa” - a pretty little house at the top
- From there, we walk slightly downhill along the access road until we arrive at Veronika's Kräuterhof
- We turn left into the road until we pass the petrol station again at the village square in Fischbach
- We can also hike the tour in reverse order!
There are many places to stop for refreshments as well as a swimming lake and a mini golf course in Fischbach.
Fischbacher Alpen | © Marianne Dornhofer | Marianne Dornhofer
Fitnessstrecke Fischbach | © Oststeiermark Tourismus
Kräuterhof | © Veronikas Kräuterhof | Veronikas Kräuterhof
Museum für bäuerliches Handwerk | © Tourismus Fischbach | Marianne Dornhofer
Forsthaus Fischbach | © Forsthaus Familie Übeleis | Marianne Dornhofer
What the weather will be like
Fischbach (992m)
Thick clouds with rain and snowfall starting in the morning.
At first snowfall and occasionally snow mixed with rain. The clouds will break up in the afternoon.
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