A beautiful beech forest path runs between Unterer and Oberer Leiten.
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From the west: Tauernautobahn A 10 to the Ennstal junction - exit in the direction of Graz/Schladming - around 20 km on the Ennstal main road to Schladming - Ramsau junction From the north: Pyhrnautobahn in the direction of Liezen Ennstalbundesstraße to Schladming - Ramsau junction
Forest path between Untere Leiten (Hotel Kielhuberhof) and Reiterhof Brandstätter or circular route via Obere Leiten.
Ramsau Kulm Infobüro Ramsau am Dachstein
buchenweg_img_1954844 | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Tourismusverband Ramsau am Dachstein
What the weather will be like
Ramsau am Dachstein (1137m)
Snowfall and rain during the whole day. Towards evening the clouds will break up occasionally.
Dull throughout the day with light snowfall every once in a while.
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