Pistorfer circular trail no. 19 Variant b
A wonderful, panoramic hike through forest paths and vineyards in the Sausal valley with numerous places to stop for refreshments.
Gleinstätten was originally called Micheldorf and was first mentioned in a document in 1245. The Gleintzers owned the fortress and the surrounding land taken in fief from the Salzburg bishops for more than 300 years.In 1523 Balthasar, the Gleintzer, received permission from Ferdinand I to call his Micheldorf "Glein(tz)stätten".
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Coming from the south, north, west and east on the A9 Phyrnautobahn - exit Leibnitz - continue towards Kaindorf/S. - Heimschuh - Fresing - Maierhof - Pistorf.
From the Gasthof Schatz car park, follow the markings in the direction of Dorfstraße. Before the village chapel turn left towards Leitenweg, at the wayside shrine turn right to the chapel in Distelhof. Cross the road at the next crossroads and follow the sign to the Hiaslbauerteich inn. After the Hiaslbauer, go past the water wheel on the right, uphill through the farm of the Buschenschank Kolb (Schneiderannerl) past vineyards for a while through the forest. Continue to the right, after 200 m turn left at the Buschenschank Adam and continue to the Schimpel Museum of Cultural Heritage. Continue along the road to the wonderful vantage point at the Panoramasteg and the Theresienkapelle (561) and on to the GH Hofer (Gödlsima). Then the path continues in the direction of Buschenschank Sackl (Maurerannerl). Now turn right downhill, past vineyards, through the uninhabited farmstead and then immediately left to the Schwarzlkapelle chapel on the B-74 main road, where there is another water wheel. Now cross the B-74 in the direction of Mantrach and after 150 m turn right again in the direction of Affahrtmühle. From the mill, the trail leads in the direction of the main road and continues along the Dorfstraße back to the starting point.
Enjoy the magnificent panoramic view from the panorama walkway.
By train to Kaindorf/ Sulm station.
www.oebb.atContinue by taxi to Pistorf. T: 0043 (0)664 886 57 826
Parking is available at the starting point, Sulmtalhalle.
Blick zum Panoramasteg im Sausal | © Südsteiermark | Roman Marchler
Blick vom Panoramasteg/Sausal | © Südsteiermark | Roman Marchler
Blick auf die Theresienkapelle | © Südsteiermark | Nina Weyrer
What the weather will be like
Gleinstätten (323m)
Showers will die away soon to leave a partly sunny day.
A few sunny spells in the morning, then mostly rainy and cloudy.
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