Delicacy Tour - Laßnitzhöhe
We follow this to the south through the Augarten and along the newly designed banks of the Mur to the junction of the R49 Mostwärtsradweg back to Laßnitzhöhe.
If you still need an energy boost after your bike tour, you should park your bike for a bit and get it on the sebastian RELOADED® adventure trail (7.3 km). In this exercise adventure for the whole family, you can take on your "inner couch potato", "feel strong enough to take on anything" or even scream to your heart's content.
After the tour you will certainly have earned your richly deserved treat in one of the many excellent establishments in the climatic health resort of Laßnitzhöhe, because this beautiful tour is also a bit demanding, it goes up and down again and again – just like life itself!
Best season
The tour in numbers
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More information
Bike: the bike tour leads through Graz center (R2 Murradweg)
Route leads via Graz center (R2 Murradweg)
Cycle paths, side streets, cycle lanes, suitable for trekking bike and e-bike
Broschüre "E-Bike Genussradeln in der Region Graz" (kostenlos, info@regiongraz.at )