Kirche Pack | © Region Graz-Mias Photoart Kirche Pack | © Region Graz-Mias Photoart

Sat., 30/11/2024 from 15:30 o'clock

Packer Mountain Advent

Advent story, Advent wreath blessing and torchlight procession in the mountain village of Pack.

Christmas bazaar in the construction trailer is open all day. Guests will be treated to hot drinks and other delicacies at the village square.

More information about the programme will follow!

Date and time

Sat., 30/11/2024
Starts at: 15:30 O'clock

Event location

Hirschegg-Pack - Pack-Ort

Additional Information

Price information

Admission is free!



Theatergruppe Pack
Pack 39
8584 Hirschegg-Pack
Mobile +43 664 206 281 9