Kasperltheater in Frohnleiten | © Buch & Co Kasperltheater in Frohnleiten | © Buch & Co

Tue., 24/12/2024 from 11:00 o'clock

Punch and Judy theatre - Punch and Judy comes on Christmas Eve

To shorten the waiting time, Punch and Judy comes once more before the Christ Child.

The team from Buch & Co puts on a play with Punch and Judy for the little ones to shorten the time until the presents are given.

Date and time

Tue., 24/12/2024
  • Starts at: 11:00 O'clock
  • Starts at: 15:00 O'clock

Event location

Frohnleiten - Buch & Co Bibliothek Frohnleiten

Additional Information

Price information

Admission: € 3,- pP

Tickets available from Mrs Alexandra Kasic +43 676 766 700 3


Buch & Co Bibliothek Frohnleiten
Hauptplatz 22
8130 Frohnleiten