The delicatessen-shop of Austria, the orchard of Austria, all the names associated with culinary enjoyment... whatever Styria is called, one thing is for sure: it is the most fertile province in Austria, home to a wide variety of delicacies from apple to Swiss stone pine.
The Styrians are very aware of this treasure around the culinary trilogy of wine, pumpkin (-seed oil) and apple and cherish it with great passion. In the inns, restaurants and wine taverns you can discover specialities that you won't find anywhere else. From the Ausseerland-Salzkammergut region to the provincial and gourmet capital Graz to Southern Styria, there are culinary-diverse landscapes for you to be tasted. Here you can eat what grows on your doorstep, because it tastes better ripened in the sun than harvested too early or stored for a long time. And it's healthier too, especially because good Styrian cuisine cannot exist without a close relationship to organic farming.
Selected Styrian restaurants
If you want to be on the safe side, you can visit innkeepers with quality awards such as Kulinarium Steiermark innkeepers, gourmet restaurants and organic restaurants. Our selection of Styrian gourmet establoishments is bound to be the right one for you.
No matter whether you come with your family or want to experience a romantic culinary evening for two - the Styrian restaurateurs will welcome you warmly!