View of Seggau Castle and Frauenberg pilgrimage church | © Steiermark Tourismus | Wolfgang Jauk View of Seggau Castle and Frauenberg pilgrimage church | © Steiermark Tourismus | Wolfgang Jauk
Never ending experiences in southern Styria

Excursions and Day Trips

Southern Styria not only provides culinary experiences, but also has a lot to tell in terms of its culture, history and customs. From Roman excavation sites to the oldest wine cellar in Europe and the Stainzer Flascherlzug (steam train) to lived Styrian customs, the range of excursion destinations and sights is extensive.

Visitors can experience a region that is proud of its thousand-year-old cultural heritage. Special mention must be made of the wine trails of southern Styria, which are not only characterised by the breathtaking wine landscape, but also by the uniqueness that one Buschenschank (wine tavern) follows the next.

You can also admire castles and palaces as well as museums, galleries and exhibitions where you can learn more about the Romans and Celts, and the history of the region. In countless manufactories you can look over the shoulders of the producers and find out how Styrian delicacies, ranging from pumpkin seed oil to lavender syrup, are made.

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Südsteiermark | © Steiermark Tourismus | Tom Lamm
  • open today
  • Leibnitz

Infobüro Leibnitz

At the Leibnitz Südsteiermark Tourist Office you will find helpful information material for the whole of...
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Ölmühle Kremsner | © Ölmühle Kremsner
  • open today
  • Großklein

Ölmühle Kremsner

Located on the Sulm river and surrounded by steeply sloping vineyards, delicious oils are hand-crafted in this...
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Steinerne_Wehr | © Steinerne Wehr
  • open today
  • Leibnitz

Sulmbad Zum Steinernen Wehr

The Sulmbad Zur Steinernen Wehr, opened in 1929 and thus the oldest river bath in Styria, is still considered an...
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Hochmoor Garanas | © TV Sulmtal Koralm
  • open today
  • Bad Schwanberg

Rastturm Hochmoor Garanas

This tower invites you to take a short break and is located in the Garanas high moorland area.
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Pfarrkirche Spielfeld | © Marktgemeinde Straß in Steiermark
  • Straß in Steiermark

Pfarrkirche Spielfeld "St. Michaeli"

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Hohlfelsen | © Hohlkogel - Hohlfelsen
  • open today
  • Wies

Hohlkogel - Hohlfelsen

Along the path, which at the beginning leads through a spectacular stone cave, information boards provide information...
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  • open today
  • Oberhaag

Mineralienausstellung Oberhaag

The collection "From Retznei to the Koralpe" by Josef Kolar is an impressive collection of minerals in the Southern...
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Günther Orban | © Günther Orban
  • Gamlitz

Orban Museum

The Orban Museum in Gamlitz includes an extensive collection of masterpieces by Günther Orban.
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Wallfahrtskirche St. Veit in der Südsteiermark | © Andreas Ruckenstuhl
  • open today
  • St. Veit in der Südsteiermark

Wallfahrtskirche St. Veit in der Südsteiermark

The baroque pilgrimage church of St. Vitus, with impressive paintings on the ceiling vault, created by the painter...
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Geopark Glashütten mit Fotoherz | © TV Südsteiermark
  • open today
  • Bad Schwanberg

Geopark Glashütten

Admire typical rock world of the Koralm in the Geopark Glashütten.
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Kreuzbergwarte Symbol | © Symbol
  • open today
  • Leutschach an der Weinstraße

Eichberger Kreuzbergwarte

The Kreuzbergwarte is open again!
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Schmuck für die Frau | © Artefakt
  • Deutschlandsberg

Artefakt by Petra

Exquisite jewels for special women.
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Tennis | © AdobeStock_78017245
  • open today
  • Heimschuh

Tennishalle Heimschuh

The tennis hall in Heimschuh has 4 indoor clay courts and 3 outdoor courts.
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Pumptrack_1 | © Gabriel Hauer
  • open today
  • Lebring-St. Margarethen

Pumptrack Lebring

One of the most challenging pumptracks in Austria with one of the longest asphalt jumplines in Europe is located...
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Waldglashütte Klugbauer | © Schilcherland Steiermark
  • open today
  • St. Stefan ob Stainz


Branch office Archeo Norico Burgmuseum Deutschlandsberg Museum Waldglashütte The uniquely preserved ruins of a former...
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Reitsport | © Schilcherland Steiermark
  • open today
  • Deutschlandsberg

G+P Reitsport Schloß Frauenthal

A wonderful riding club surrounded by meadows right next to Frauenthal Castle.
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Rondell Gallery1 | © TV Südsteiermark
  • Bad Schwanberg

Rondell Gallery

The Rondell Gallery regularly hosts top-class art exhibitions and is also a venue for art and cultural events.
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Heilmoorbad Schwanberg | ©
  • open today
  • Bad Schwanberg

Moorbad im Kloster, Kurhotel-Restaurant

Nestled in the enchanting landscape of the market town of Bad Schwanberg, between the Koralm and the south-west Styrian...
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Keltischer Baumkreis | © Schilcherland Steiermark
  • open today
  • St. Stefan ob Stainz

Keltischer Baumkreis

Here everyone can find the tree that is assigned to their zodiac sign.
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Außenansicht | © Der Klugbauer
  • open today
  • St. Stefan ob Stainz


Our cozy wellness area with sauna landscape including infinity pool and jacuzzi invites you to linger. Here you can...
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Das Schmied Pool
  • open today
  • Arnfels

Das Schmied - WellnessOase

The wellness oasis of southern Styria!
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Handwerkerdörfl in St. Veit | © Gemeinde St. Veit in der Südsteiermark
  • St. Veit in der Südsteiermark


In the "village on the border", as the Handwerkerdörfl is now also called, Gerhard Seher has reconstructed a small...
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Schloss Schwanberg mit Ausgrabungen der Altburg | © Bad Schwanberg
  • Bad Schwanberg

Schwanberg Castle

The Renaissance castle in Bad Schwanberg is a popular sight.
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Modellieren | © Keramikatelier E. Brodatsch-Häusler
  • Kitzeck im Sausal

Keramikatelier Elisabeth Brodatsch-Häusler

CERAMICS & PORCELAIN The place where a shapeless lump of clay is breathed into life, that is the workshop of...
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Diversity & uniqueness in the south of Styria

Discover southern Styria