Kabarettist | © Sebastian Klampferer Kabarettist | © Sebastian Klampferer

Fri., 04/10/2024 from 19:30 o'clock

Kabarett Petutschnig Hons in Fürstenfeld

Petutschnig Hons mit seinem neuen Programm "Bauernschlau"

When real estate sharks, financial advisors or agricultural machinery representatives drive into the villages and try to trick ordinary people with their deals, they should give Petutschnig Hons' house a wide berth. Many have tried the cult farmer from Schlatzing and all have bitten their gold teeth out. Hons, who is more biting towards suits than a vegan Doberman, attended the school of life and was a model student who remembers every single lesson.

In his new program “Bauernschlau”, the eloquent force from the countryside leads an honest and uncompromising verbal crusade against charlatans and fraudsters, leaving laugh lines and sore stomach muscles in his wake and providing his audience with a tool against uninvited intruders. True to the motto: “Hons or gor nit!” his word is law when he philosophizes about politicians, fraudsters or the normal madness of our everyday lives.

Tickets for this event are available at all Ö-Ticket outlets and at the Fürstenfeld guest service! Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Date and time

Fri., 04/10/2024
Starts at: 19:30 O'clock

Event location

Fürstenfeld - Grabher Haus


Jahn Events GmbH
Markus Jahn
Stadtbergen 27
8280 Fürstenfeld


Jahn Events GmbH
Markus Jahn
Stadtbergen 27
8280 Fürstenfeld


Grabher Haus
Übersbachgasse 13
8280 Fürstenfeld


Jahn Events GmbH
Markus Jahn
Stadtbergen 27
8280 Fürstenfeld