Health & regeneration
Health, relaxation, pleasure, regeneration – the thermal waters of Styria’s Thermen- und Vulkanland offer many positive benefits. Spas have been synonymous with wellbeing since time immemorial. The Ancient Romans liked to unwind in thermal water, while in the Middle Ages too there were spa hotspots such as Karlsbad in the Czech Republic. The Thermen- und Vulkanland Steiermark also enjoys a long history of spa tradition.
Healing mixed with pleasure: thermal water was always predestined to become a therapeutic tool. The invigorating effect of the warmth and the water convey a primal feeling of comfort and wellbeing. Plus, the water really does harbour the potential for recovery and regeneration
The soothing, beneficial effect of the thermal water did not come out of nowhere; rather, it is the result of around 250 million years of activity. In a previous age, the earth’s crust in what is now Styria underwent a dramatic change. Volcanoes erupted; entire mountains were swallowed up. New mountain ranges were formed as deep fissures rent the earth, and vast masses of water were pulled deep underground. Over millions of years, the water in these underground vaults, hermetically sealed against environmental influences, was enriched with precious salts and minerals, absorbing the energy of the volcanoes and the primal force of the earth.
Today, however, the modern spas in Bad Radkersburg, Bad Gleichenberg, Bad Loipersdorf, Bad Blumau and Bad Waltersdorf don’t just offer thermal waters to bathe in. They also provide excellent services such as saunas, therapies, beauty treatments and exercise facilities. In short, they are an excellent supplement to the thermal waters in the Thermen- und Vulkanland, offering everything you could hope for.
Incidentally: The Medical University of Graz conducted two scientific studies into the health-promoting effects of thermal water. The result? That a thermal bath offers significant benefits. When they measured subjects’ saliva for the stress hormone cortisol, they found that levels dropped similarly to other relaxation activities. But the subjects felt subjectively much more relaxed compared to other methods. So don’t hesitate to dive in!
Parktherme Bad Radkersburg
Rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, damaged discs, vegetative exhaustion, post-operative rehabilitation, and joint, tendon and bone injuries are all indications for spending time at a spa whose waters contain sodium hydrogen carbonate with isotonic concentration.
The Parktherme also suggests drinking the mineral water to treat urinary stones, prostate diseases, chronic urinary tract infections, chronic inflammations of the kidneys, chronic inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases, and magnesium deficiency. Carbonic baths are useful for circulation disorders and vein problems.
Therme der Ruhe, Bad Gleichenberg
In English, this means “spa of peace” and it offers exactly what the name suggests: wonderful peace and tranquillity, set against the backdrop of the magnificent 19th century spa gardens. This is the beautiful home of DAS KURHAUS Bad Gleichenberg, one of Austria’s most beautiful spa complexes. At the Therme der Ruhe, impressive architecture is combined with state-of-the-art medical facilities and the restorative effects of its thermal water. At the therapy centre, patients receive the best care for respiratory and skin disorders.
Therme Bad Loipersdorf
The highly mineralised thermal water that feeds the Thermenresort Loipersdorf has an excellent effect on inflammatory and degenerative joint conditions, spinal column diseases, circulatory issues and exhaustion. It is also recommended for post-operative care and the aftertreatment of injuries.
Rogner Bad Blumau
Bathing at this spa in Bad Blumau, designed by Friedrich Hundertwasser, is like bathing in silk. In addition, the Vulkania® healing spring has a regenerative effect on rheumatism, musculoskeletal disorders and back complaints, joint wear and tear, muscle tension, lower back pain, sciatic pain, gynaecological problems and skin diseases, among other things.
The spa also offers tinctures that may help with metabolic disorders, kidney problems, gastrointestinal diseases, and which stimulate pancreatic and bile secretions and improve liver function.
Heiltherme Bad Waltersdorf
The water that fills the pools of some of the local wellness hotels and the Heiltherme Bad Waltersdorf is very soft, and has a holistic effect on the whole body. It relaxes body and soul, is good for the skin, strengthens the muscles, tightens the connective tissue, and mobilises the body’s defences. It is also useful for rheumatic disorders, is used as aftercare following injuries and operations to the musculoskeletal system, and alleviates pain in respiratory diseases and metabolic disorders.
The medicinal water is also particularly recommended in the treatment of stress-related conditions such as burnout and other states of exhaustion, as well as immune deficiencies.
H2O Hotel Therme Resort
This spa’s medicinal water is verified as acratotherm water, and exhibits a high calcium and magnesium as well as hydrogen carbonate content.
It is highly valued for its application in musculoskeletal injuries, the post-treatment of sports injuries and operations, as well as diseases of the nervous system and spinal column.