Hof I Hoch I Zeit - 24h Selbstbedienung in Bad Gleichenberg
Bad GleichenbergWhat do wedding decorations and a farm store have in common? That's right, the Hof I Hoch ZEIT I c-events on the Taxberg just next to Bad Gleichenberg. Dive briefly into a world full of delicacies and fantasy.
Between Bad Gleichenberg and Feldbach, directly on the Taxberg the self-service store and wedding showroom of Carina Feigl is located. Just look in and take a little time to browse. Everything is available in the 24-hour self-service farm store & wedding showroom Hof I Hoch ZEIT am Taxberg.
Wedding showroom: in the midst of the many tasty products, we have included our decorative items for your wedding. Wedding arches, candy bar, table decoration examples - lovingly designed - to give you an idea of how your big day can look like.
Products: juicy loins, spicy caraway roasts, ham specialties, smoked sausages, bread, spreads, cheese, milk & dairy products, jams & honey, pumpkin seed oil & vinegar, beans, asparagus, eggs, pasta, rice, fresh vegetables, chutneys and refreshing fruit juices. We are also happy to prepare cold platters, rolls or gift boxes for you upon advance order.