For over 90 years, the company has been engaged in art foundry. The offer ranges from plaster, wax and sand to metal processing. Worked with the casting, lost wax and sand casting process.
Art from a single castingAmong the clients of Austria's largest art foundry, which works with lost wax casting, are such illustrious and internationally renowned names as Bruno Gironcoli, Irene E. Beckmann, Erwin Wurm and Manfred Deix. It is not without reason that these and many other artists appreciate Karl Loderer's many years of experience.
Empathy and expertise are in demand when it comes to making the wax model, which in turn is used to make the casting mold. Only non-ferrous metals are cast, and the size of the workpiece is almost irrelevant; everything from two centimeters to 7.5 meters has already been cast.