Flagship Products
The Thermen- & Vulkanland is authentic in every respect. At the heart of the region lies a strong tradition of rural landscapes and culture. In collaboration with the Pomurje & Podravje region in Slovenia, nine “flagship products” have been designated, symbolising the most iconic aspects of our region’s nature, heritage and culture.
The Thermen- & Vulkanland is proud of these products, so they also hold a special place in daily life. These flagship products are: medicinal and mineral water, apples (countless traditional and modern varieties), pumpkin, nutritious scarlet runner beans, spicy horseradish, extremely healthy elderberries, aromatic honey, calcium-rich milk, and bread, baked down through the generations.
All these products are iconic symbols of the region’s cultural landscape, its food scene, and its economy, and are what make it so inimitable. They have come about due to the natural features of the landscape, and of course due to the traditions that society continues to hold so dear today.
The region’s nine leading products
From producers to the gastronomy trade, the nine flagship products highlight the culinary strengths of the Thermen- & Vulkanland region:
Styrian horseradish
Typical Styrian horseradish loves loamy soil, which is plentiful in the Thermen- & Vulkanland because of its volcanic past. Horseradish contains about twice as much Vitamin C as lemons, and stores extremely well in cool temperatures. 99 % of Austrian horseradish comes from our region. Styrian horseradish PGI (“Steirischer Krenn g.g.A.”) is produced by over 80 Styrian horseradish farmers. It holds the EU seal of origin, and is strictly controlled.
Elderberries and chokeberries
Elderberries and chokeberries – A superfood from the Thermen- & Vulkanland that you can enjoy from blossom to berry. Around 1,500 ha of elderberry and chokeberry are grown by 360 different producers, making it one of the world’s largest cultivated areas of these berries. Due to the magnesium-rich volcanic soil they grow in, these fruits contain a particularly high number of health-promoting substances.
Mineral water
The mineral water occurring in the Thermen- & Vulkanland is packed with healthy minerals that may help the body recover from various complaints. Its most vital substances include calcium, magnesium and hydrogen carbonate, which it has drawn up on its long journey through deep underground rock.
scarlet runner bean
The nutritious scarlet runner bean is characterised by its fine, creamy consistency and slightly nutty flavour. On 24 August 2016, the Styrian runner bean was registered on the EU’s list of Protected Designations of Origin and Protected Geographical Indications as the Steirische Käferbohne (g.U.). It is an excellent source of protein and fibre, and is also low in fat!
styrian oil pumpkin
The Styrian oil pumpkin, used to make Styrian pumpkin seed oil, is well known in the Thermen- & Vulkanland. This famous pumpkin seed oil has become virtually obligatory drizzled over salad, but it’s also wonderful paired with starters, mains or even desserts, as well as in spreads.