Wasserlandschaften Wasserlandschaften

Fri., 04/10/2024 14:00 O'clock

(Wasser)- Landschaften im Gesäuse 04.10.- 06.10.24

Whether rushing water, glowing sunsets or abstract sections of nature.

The Gesäuse offers a photographic palette of possibilities. In this two-day course, we react specifically to the changes in light. We select the photographic hotspots depending on the light situation and thus capture the most rewarding elements of nature. As well as taking atmospheric shots at the end of the day, we will also spend some time in the studio talking about image development. The course is suitable for all levels of experience.

Date and time

Friday, 04 October 2024 - Sunday, 06 October 2024
Starts at: 14:00 O'clock

Event location

Admont - Fokus, Studio der Nationalparkschule

Additional Information


hiking gear, rain gear, snack and drinks at your own discretion.
Own photographic equipment. If you need rental equipment, please contact the organiser on time.

Meeting point

Admont, Studio of the Nationalpark Photoschool.

Price information

€ 280,00 per participant

Arrival information

If possible, travel to our events by public transport. There is a charge for parking in the Gesäuse National Park (day ticket € 6.00). You can find more information here: Arrival & soft mobility (nationalpark-gesaeuse.at)

Public transportation
Austrian Federal Railway: www.oebb.at
BusTrainBim information: www.busbahnbim.at


Nationalpark Gesäuse GmbH
Weng 2
8913 Admont


Nationalpark Gesäuse GmbH
Weng 2
8913 Admont


Nationalpark Gesäuse GmbH
Weng 2
8913 Admont


Nationalpark Gesäuse GmbH
Weng 2
8913 Admont

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