vintage museums
Motorsport is in the blood of the Murtal people. So it comes as no surprise to find that they've been collecting anything to do with cars and motorsports since the year dot. Numerous museums celebrating "old vehicles" are located throughout the region.
Indulge in some nostalgia and learn about the history of motorsport. Naturally, your first thought is the Red Bull Ring - but whining engines are to be found all over the Murtal. Travel back in time at the VW Beetle Museum in Gaal and the PUCH Museum in Judenburg to rediscover true rarities on four and two wheels.
VW beetle museum
A vehicle that has moved millions but has now become a rare sight on our roads. Feel the appeal of the "Knutschkugel" ("smooch bubble") all over again.
A vehicle that has moved millions but has now become a rare sight on our roads. Feel the appeal of the "Knutschkugel" ("smooch bubble") all over again.
For 20 years, this iconic vehicle has been offered a platform where it can be admired along with a variety of other great exhibits, such as an original Rallye-Cross Beetle, a Formula race car, and much more. Fantastic, very rare exhibits such as the Hebmüller Cabriolet, amphibian vehicles and bucket cars as well as lots of motoring one-offs are also on display. The lovingly restored vehicles exhibited here help visitors relive many an old memory.
Puch museum
Admire legendary vehicles such as the Puch 500, made in Austria.
Admire legendary vehicles such as the Puch 500, made in Austria.
The Puch 500, the Puch Maxi, Pinzgauer and Puch G as well as a broad range of mopeds, motorcycles and bicycles have enjoyed global success.
The Puch Museum in Judenburg celebrates the Puch brand and the people behind these unique developments. Milestones in vehicle development are presented clearly and understandably to create an overall experience, astonishing all visitors. At this museum, it feels as if the 50s and 60s never went away, making it an experience for the whole family.
Memories and nostalgia for those who were there to witness the success story of Puch at the time, and fascination for younger visitors wanting to experience the allure of these two-and four-wheelers for themselves. The magic of the Puch 500, the all-terrain buzz of the Pinzgauer and the Haflinger, the feeling of freedom of the Puch Maxi, the motorcycles, and the memories of your early years on Puch bicycles.
Tip: Did you know about the Cultural Treasure Collectors' Book? Here you can collect our cultural treasures and get a Cultural Treasure Pin as a reward - depending on how hard you work at our museums! Bronze, silver or gold!
traCtor museum
Its main focus is on tractors, engines, drive systems that began to replace the muscle power of humans and horses in Austria from about 1900 for manual work in agriculture and forestry.
Its main focus is on tractors, engines, drive systems that began to replace the muscle power of humans and horses in Austria from about 1900 for manual work in agriculture and forestry.
Spanning 600 m2 across two floors, there are currently 20 tractors, 27 stationary engines, a steam locomobile, a horse gin, a horse-drawn mowing machine, a threshing machine, a straw cutter and a tedder. The exhibition is supplemented by numerous small pieces of equipment, models, images and display cases that illustrate the development of agricultural technology over the past 100 years.
A large part of the current collection consists of the "Guggemos" collection. Since the 1980s, Anton Guggemos has enthusiastically been collecting and restoring old tractors and machines. Thanks to his dedication, all exhibits are not only now on display but also fully functional and can be seen in action at events such as historical drives and various other events in the region. Members of the museum association lend their powerful support.
Special opening times:
- Non-school days: please phone to book
- Group tours: please phone to book