The municipal office of Gaal is located in the district of Bischoffeld.
The municipality of Gaal is located about 14 km northwest of Knittelfeld in the Niedere Tauern. The municipality area, called Gaal, includes the mountain range of the Pletzen, the two valleys of the Gaalbach and the Ingeringbach surrounding it, as well as the southern slopes of the Seckauer Alps. The highest elevations are the 2.417 m high Geierhaupt, the 2.416 m high Hochreichhart, the 2.397 m high Seckauer Zinken (all Seckauer Alpen) and the 2.345 m high Pletzen. The lowest point is at around 750 m, where the Ingeringbach stream leaves the municipality in the southeast.
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