Hiking route From Mureck along the meadows to the ship mill and the Murturm tower (Von Mureck entlang der Auen zur Schiffsmühle und zum Murturm) - Touren-Impression #1 | © Thermen- & Vulkanland Hiking route From Mureck along the meadows to the ship mill and the Murturm tower (Von Mureck entlang der Auen zur Schiffsmühle und zum Murturm) - Touren-Impression #1 | © Thermen- & Vulkanland

From Mureck along the meadows to the ship mill and the Murturm tower (Von Mureck entlang der Auen zur Schiffsmühle und zum Murturm)

Experience the Murauen from above and from below and change your perspective at the same time - this is possible with this hiking walk near Mureck.
Especially on hot summer days, a walk in the Murauen is a blessing. Walking in the shade next to the Mur is pure enjoyment of nature. With the goal of the Murturm the circle closes, since one can experience the Murauen not only from below, but also from above. As you walk towards the Murturm, this special building, which has the construction principle of a double helix, impresses even from a distance. The ascent over 168 steps becomes an experience, as the path spirals upwards and the panoramic view at a height of 27 m expresses the special nature of the Murauen - a change of perspective for young and old. After the round, you should take a look at the second highlight on the trail, the Mureck ship mill. The mill was built in 1997 according to the original model and is the only floating and functioning mill in Central Europe in traditional construction.



Best season

The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
11,1 km
3:00 h
20 hm
20 hm
236 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

A9 to the exit Gersdorf, continue on the B69 to Mureck.
You can find detailed information about the journey here.
From the main square in Mureck (1), 237 m, it is only a few minutes to the swimming pool and the campsite Mureck. Here is the parking lot and also the starting point of the bike trail "Amazon of Europe Bike Trail". We see the yellow signposts with the inscription "Südalpenweg 03 - Steirischer Landesrundweg" and orient ourselves by them. Along a wide gravel road we head towards the Mur. Right next to the restaurant Mühlenhof is also the Mureck Ship Mill (2), 233 m. The entrance fee has to be paid at the restaurant. We walk downstream and enjoy the wide walkway close to the river bank. On the opposite side of the Mura, the Obermureck Castle can be seen on the hill. We always stay along the bank, pass under the border bridge and continue on a narrow path that obviously shortens the longer marked hiking trail here. It goes a short distance along an asphalt road before we keep to the right and follow a path until we reach the buildings of the building yard. At the crossroads "See-Weg" we keep straight on and follow the Mur-Grenzweg Nr.10 to a resting place and subsequently to our destination, the Murturm (3), 229m. We choose the way back via the Gosdorfer Rundweg Nr. 20, which branches off at the tower. We hike up the Saßbach to the bridge at the federal road. Here you have the possibility to stop at the Gasthof zur Post (4), 234 m, and then hike back on the other bank in the direction of the Mur. The hike takes us directly past the Röcksee, with its inn, guesthouse and camping site. We continue along the asphalt road, where the lake path no. 21 and the bicycle path run parallel. Arriving again at the buildings of the building yard, we leave the road to return to the path we already know.
Mureck can be reached by train and with the Genuss Card, admission to the Mureck Ship Mill is free - www.genusscard.at.

Detailed information about arriving by ÖBB (Austrian Federal Railways) can be found at  www.oebb.at or on the Verbundlinie Steiermark website www.busbahnbim.at

With Verbundlinie’s BusBahnBim route planner app, planning your journey has never been easier: simply enter towns and/or addresses, stop names or points of interest to check all bus, train and tram connections in Austria. The app is available free of charge for smartphones – on Google Play and in the App Store

Near the swimming pool in Mureck

Parking near the swimming pool

freytag & berndt WK 412 Südoststeirisches Hügelland, Vulkanland, Bad Gleichenberg, Bad Radkersburg

Kompass Wanderführer "Steirisches Vulkanland - Auf den Spuren der Vulkane" 50 Touren mit Beschreibungen, Routenkarten und Höhenprofilen ISBN 978-3-85026-096-1 www.kompass.at

Tourist Office Thermen- & Vulkanland
Gästeinfo Mureck
Hauptplatz 13
8480 Mureck
+43 3382 55 100-84


What the weather will be like

Mureck (237m)

10 km/h
20 km/h
10 km/h
Showers will die away soon to leave a partly sunny day.
5 km/h
5 km/h
5 km/h
Little sunshine and frequent showers. Also persistent rain at times.
5°C 9°C
4°C 10°C
slightly cloudy
1°C 10°C

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