© Isabella Painhapp | Isabella Painhapp © Isabella Painhapp | Isabella Painhapp

Digital hiking pin

Who doesn't know the thrill of reaching a summit or a special excursion destination? In the past, you could collect stamps on numerous peaks and exchange them for a hiking badge in the valley.

Our Murtal region boasts the stunning mountain landscapes of the Seckauer Alps, Gleinalpe, Stubalpe, Seetaler Alps, and the Wölzer and Triebener Tauern. With 92 peaks over 2,000 meters, the region offers breathtaking mountain tours for all mountaineers and summit seekers. In the wide Aichfeld valley, however, leisurely hikers and families will feel particularly at home. Explore the most beautiful and exciting destinations in the region with us, and earn points for your hiking badge, which you can collect at the tourism offices.

How It Works

Simply open the app at your reached summit destination and confirm your location (possible even without internet connection). For the best experience, upload a photo and let us know how much you enjoyed the destination.

Download the App

Explore, enjoy, and earn your badge in the beautiful Murtal region!


All Collection Opportunities in Murtal

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