Mur cycle path
Parallel to Austria's second largest river, the Mur, the Mur Cycle Path winds its way from the Hohe Tauern National Park in the province of Salzburg through the whole of Styria, finally crossing the north-east of Slovenia and Croatia on the last 100 km or so.
The variety on the Way
The special thing about the Mur Cycle Path is that you can feel and experience the diversity of the whole of Styria up close. You will experience how the landscape changes - you start surrounded by the mountains and end up in the flat Graz basin. You will feel the difference in the climate: if the air is fresher here, it is milder in the south. But also the cuisine changes - you start with the cradle of beer, Murau beer, and experience numerous local beer varieties in the Murtal (Thalheimer, Gösser, Eisenerzer and, before Graz, Flecks beer) - while wine dominates in the south with countless excellent winegrowers. From Murtaler Steirerkäse (Styrian cheese) to Käferbohnensalat (beetle bean salad) in the south, the Mur cycle path offers a wide range of culinary delights. Culinary diversity is guaranteed on this tour!
Probably one of the most beautiful stages of the Mur Cycle Path is in the Mur Valley, in the inner Alpine basin - the Aichfeld - where the Spielberg region is also located. A variety of inns and lodgings along the R2 (Murradweg) invite you to take an extensive break on your tour! Our diverse excursion destinations will inspire you and invite you to linger.
The region is on stage 04 of the Mura Cycle Path - find out more in the profile of the Mura Cycle Path.