Ski Touring Großer Bösenstein - a classic in the Rottenmanner Tauern mountains - Touren-Impression #1 | © Erlebnisregion Murtal Ski Touring Großer Bösenstein - a classic in the Rottenmanner Tauern mountains - Touren-Impression #1 | © Erlebnisregion Murtal

Großer Bösenstein - a classic in the Rottenmanner Tauern mountains

The ski tour on the Großer Bösenstein is one of the most beautiful in the Murtal region. The highest mountain around Hohentauern rewards with a magnificent panorama: from Triglav to Glockner
From the parking lot of the Edelrautehütte it is actually not so far to the highest peak of the Murtal region, the Bösenstein - "only" about 800 meters in altitude.

The tour leads across the alpine pastures, through an old Swiss stone pine forest, and hopefully under snow-covered mountain pines to the Gr. Scheiblsee. Already here you can appreciate the beauty of this landscape. In the direction of view the crystalline of the Bösensteine, in the back the mighty Gesäuseberge.

Behind the Scheiblsee it goes over some steeper steps and slope crossings up into the Elendkar. On one side, the Kleine Bösenstein rises, on the other side you can already see the summit cross of the Großer Bösenstein. Over a steep slope you reach the Elendscharte in a few hairpin bends. After setting up the ski depot, you climb over the ridge to the summit of the 2448m high Bösenstein.

Crampons should be with you, hairpin bends cannot be a problem!



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
3,7 km
2:40 h
790 hm
2448 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

from the north

On the A9, the Pyhrnautobahn, take the Trieben exit. From there, take the B114 in the direction of Judenburg to Hohentauern. At the top of the pass turn right and follow the signs to the Edelrautehütte.

The road to the Edelrautehütte is a toll road: € 8.00/car, € 40.00/bus, discount with Hohentauern guest card

from the south

Via the S36, the Murtalschnellstraße to Judenburg, continue on the B 317 to the junction of the B114 in the direction of Liezen. Follow the road until Hohentauern (about 35 km). At the top of the pass turn left and follow the signs to the Edelrautehütte.

The road to the Edelrautehütte is a toll road: € 8,00/car, € 40,00/bus, discount with Hohentauern guest card.

From the parking lot of the Edelrautehütte, go either along the summer trail or in the sense of the ascent to the left of it (southeast) across open meadows to the Großer Scheiblsee. Along the right shore of the lake and in the area of the almost rear end of the lake up over the small steep step (alder bushes with little snow) to the foot of the Rote Rinne. Now in a southwesterly direction up over a steep step. At about 2000m the route turns to the NW. Now you are "1 floor" below the Elendkar. This can be reached either by crossing the slope on the right side (NE). Often here it is easier to take the crampons out of the backpack and use them! There is also the possibility to walk in the flat valley floor to the foot of the Kleiner Bösenstein. At the end of the flat bottom you climb to the right (NE) over a steep step, thus after again meets the previously described route (after the traverse) at the beginning of the Elendkares. The route continues in a northwesterly direction into the Elendkar.

The steep ascent to Elendscharte covers a good 100 meters in altitude. Some hairpin bends are necessary. To install crampons is often good. In or shortly after the Elendscharte a ski depot is reached. Via the summit ridge you reach the summit of the 2448m high Bösenstein.

Descent as ascent

Often the Kleine Bösenstein offers better snow. In the Elendkar you can decide: Big or Small or both!

Tip: Stop Edelrautehütte

This tour is NOT considered "accessible by train and bus" because there is no regular connection. 

Taxi Kandler Georg, 8785 Hohentauern  

Parking lot Scheibelalm
Guided tours, avalanche seminars and ski technique courses for ski tourers:

Gundula Tackner

Alpine school on the Tauern 

ÖK 130, 1:25 000

Winterkarte, Tourismausverband Hohentauern, 1:25 000

Schitouren Obersteiermark, Peter und Paul Sodamin

Schitourenpasadies Steiermark, Günter und Luise Auferbauer


What the weather will be like

Hohentauern (1272m)

5 km/h
10 km/h
very sunny
10 km/h
Fog and clouds will clear gradually and will give way to sunshine around noon.
very sunny
5 km/h
very sunny
10 km/h
very sunny
10 km/h
Dry and sunny throughout the day with hardly any clouds.
very sunny
-5°C 12°C
very sunny
-2°C 13°C
slightly cloudy
1°C 12°C

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