Lattenberg, der unscheinbare Wunderbare
The wind often blows above the forest line, so the snow in this area is sometimes wind-blown.
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On the A9, the Pyhrnautobahn, take the Trieben exit. From there, take the B 114 in the direction of Judenburg to Hohentauern. After 6 km turn left into the Triebental. Follow the road to the end to Bergerhube.
From the south
Take the S36, the Murtalschnellstraße to Judenburg, continue on the B 317 to the turn-off for the B114 towards Liezen. Follow the road until Hohentauern (approx. 35 km). Drive 3 km in the direction of Trieben. Turn into the Triebental on the right-hand side. Follow the road to the end to Bergerhube.
You climb safely 200 metres in altitude over this ridge. In the forest that follows, there is a small track that is easy to follow. This area can also be used for the descent. You reach the timberline via this track. Here you follow the wide ridge. The last part to the summit is over the northern ridge to the Lattenberg. Watch out for the cornices in the direction of Liesingkar.
Gundula Tackner
Alpine School on the Tauern
ÖK 130, Trieben, 1:25 000
ÖK 131, Kalwang, 1:25 000
Winterkarte Tourismusverband Hohentauern
Schitouren Obersteiermark, Peter und Paul Sodamin
Schitourenparadies Steiermark, Günter und Luise Auferbauer