Snowshoe hike Turneralm and Hirschkreuz
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From Graz via the B70 to Köflach and B77 to the starting point (64 km, approx. 75 minutes)
Snowshoeing by car - a few things to look out for!
- Good winter tires are an absolute MUST!
- Ice scraper, snow broom, de-icer for the door locks and a small shovel are part of the basic equipment.
- Put snow chains and a tow rope in the car, even if you are not good with them yourself. There are always helpful and knowledgeable hikers on the mountain!
- Clear all snow and ice from the car, especially the roof.
- When parking, make sure that you also leave space for other drivers.
- Always park in such a way that the rest of the road remains clear for cars, timber trucks and snow clearing vehicles.
- Find out about the snow situation on the access road or parking facilities before setting off. (Hüttenwirt, webcams)
General information about public transportation in the region: www.verbundlinie.at
Murtal Taxi, Tel.: +43 660 1018101, 8740 Zeltweg, www.murtal-taxi.at
Cab Jäger, Tel.: +43 3512 44833, 8720 Knittelfeld
Cab Steiner, Tel.: +43 3512 71718, 8720 Knittelfeld
Almwirtshaus Altes Almhaus, 8591 Maria Lankowitz, Kemetberg 60, Tel. +43 3147 212, info@altesalmhaus.at, www.altesalmhaus.at
Gaberlhaus & Sportgasthof Lipp, Gaberl 1, 8592 Maria Lankowitz/Salla district, Tel. +43 3147 243, lipp@gaberl.at, www.gaberl.at
Freytag & Berndt (2017): Seetaler Alpen, Seckauer Alpen, Judenburg, Knittelfeld. WK 212 Wander-, Rad-, Freizeitkarte; 1:50000You can also find this tour on the Snowshoehiking map:
Region Murtal – Snowshoe map- Tour 4
The Snowshoe map - you can get for free at the tourism association Murtal - info@murtal.at - Tel.: +43 3577 26600
You can also find more information about the region on - www.murtal.at
Sarcletti S., Zienitzer E., (2. Auflage 2018): Schneeschuhführer Steiermark – Vom Dachstein bis zum Steirischen Weinland. Bergverlag Rother GmbH, München, S. 176. Für weitere Infos hier klicken.Schneeweiß C., (2012): Schneeschuhgehen – Praxiswissen vom Profi zu Ausrüstung, Technik und Sicherheit. Bruckmann Verlag GmbH, München, S.192