BRATAPFELZAUBER & KUNSTHANDWERK on Saturday, 21 December 2024 in Anger from 2 pm at Südtiroler Platz
If you've ever experienced the Anger baked apple magic and tasted a delicious baked apple, you might think that the Christ Child comes from Anger. And suddenly you feel transported back to the cosy comfort of childhood.
- Advent atmosphere and the scent of baked apples
- Baked apples in different variations
- Petting zoo for children
- Large arts and crafts market
- Handmade gift ideas
- Programme with children from the music school from 3.30 pm
In the Opflland at Christmas time, there are bread apples which is a joy,
with walnut filling and vanilla sauce, the gris around it is usually quite big.
For this you need a festive apple,
a roar, a bleach, a buck paper.
The nut filling is made quite fine and then poured into the oven.
It then has to be loosely baked in the oven,
then my grandma says in the stibble
‘Jesas Maria’ hiaz is so far, hiaz kimp wieda a scheane Zeit.
Because Christmas as it was, was a lot quieter than last year.
No stress and no fuss, the magic of Christmas is lost,
no packing, no money spent, the times are good.
So Leitl don't be surprised - if you like bread, the magic will come back!
Poem by Erhard Köck