Flötenengerl_Pöllau_Oststeiermark | © Tage der Alten Musik Flötenengerl_Pöllau_Oststeiermark | © Tage der Alten Musik

Tue., 06/08/2024 from 19:30 o'clock

Early Music Days "Opening Concert"

Opening concert

An ingenious mix of French esprit and Italian fire is exuded by J. M. Leclair in the overtures and dance movements of the two "Récréations de Musique", which are presented at the opening by the ensemble of female teachers in the frescoed ballroom. The program is complemented by a trio sonata by the Styrian master J.J. Fux and solos by M.P. de Montéclair and J. Paisible.

Performers: Lecturers and guests

Advance booking: € 20 from mid-July!
Box office: 25 € Pupils,
students 15 €
Available at the tourist office!

By telephone with subsequent payment to the following account:
Account wording: Early Music Days IBAN: AT682083300000063230, BIC: SPPLAT21XXX 
Purpose: Date of the concert, number of tickets and your name
You will receive your ticket at the box office with the payment confirmation.

Subject to change without notice!

Further information at: www.altemusikpoellau.at

Date and time

Tue., 06/08/2024
Starts at: 19:30 O'clock

Event location

Pöllau - Pöllau Castle Ballroom


Tage der Alten Musik
Konstanze Rieckh
Schloss 1
8225 Pöllau