Final draw of the christmas lottery - Impression #1 Final draw of the christmas lottery - Impression #1

Mon., 23/12/2024 from 18:00 o'clock

Final draw of the christmas lottery

Final draw of the Christmas raffle of the Passailer Wirtschaft at the market place in Passail, at 6 pm.

Info: Municipality Passail, Tel: 03179/23 300 Passail economy, Karin Farnleitner, Tel: 0664/24 14 640 or 03179/27455-196

Date and time

Mon., 23/12/2024
Starts at: 18:00 O'clock (Duration: 1 Hour)

Event location

Passail - Marktplatz Passail


Marktgemeinde Passail
Markt 1
8162 Passail


Marktgemeinde Passail
Markt 1
8162 Passail


Marktgemeinde Passail
Markt 1
8162 Passail