The Waldheimathonig apiary is operated in St. Kathrein am Hauenstein by the Brandl family as an agricultural sideline. The approximately 60 Carnica bee colonies provide the best ingredients from the unspoiled nature of Peter Rosegger's homeland.
The unspoiled nature in this region is an ideal location for bee colonies to harvest forest honey and, in appropriate weather, small quantities of flower honey. If the harvest is sufficient, part of our honey is turned into mead (honey wine). We also offer beeswax in block form (for ointment production, cling wipes, etc.) and beeswax candles in various shapes and sizes. The life of the honey bee and the importance of bees are explained on several display boards. In the summer months it is possible to observe the life in a bee colony with queen, worker bees and drones in a show hive.
The farm is also a school ath the farm farm, a goof farm farm and a member of the AMA Genussregion.
Dear guests, the opening times may change, for your safety please contact the beekeeping Brandl directly.
You are welcome to visit the apiary at any time by appointment by phone.