
Would you like to discover the region of Graz by hiking, biking or cycling? Then we have put together some tour tips for you here! Explore the region and take a look at our route suggestions.

Length in km
Duration in h
Elevation gain/loss
65 Results
Accessible by public transport
Kürbisse sind unsere Wegbegleiter | Gerhard Eisenschink | © (c) Steiermark Tourismus/Gerhard Eisenschink
Region Graz easy
Route 43,7 km
Duration 3:30 h

Etappe 06 Murradweg Graz - Leibnitz

Accessible by public transport
altstadtrunde durchs weltkulturerbe graz_img_26280681 | © Graztourismus - Harry Schiffer
Accessible by public transport
Am Rechberg, Naturpark Almenland in der Oststeiermark | Christine Pollhammer | © Oststeiermark Tourismus
Passail medium Open
Route 16,8 km
Duration 5:00 h

Stage 2: Path of 100,000 Steps, Semriach - Nechnitz

Accessible by public transport
schlossberg graz: über den dächern der stadt_img_26405797 | © Graztourismus - Harry Schiffer
Graz easy
Route 2,3 km
Duration 0:55 h

Schlossberg: Above the roofs historic city centre

Accessible by public transport
Entlang des Murufers am R2 durch die Region Graz (c)J.Lunghammer | Meike Brucher | © Region Graz
Region Graz easy
Route 52,6 km
Duration 2:00 h

The gourmet & culture bike circuit

Accessible by public transport
Kraftplätze und Bildstöcke | Harry Schiffer | © Region Graz
Eggersdorf bei Graz medium
Route 43,0 km
Duration 3:40 h

Chapel Tour - Eggersdorf near Graz

Accessible by public transport
Kulinarischer Genuss in Semirach | TV Semriach | © Unbekannt
Semriach medium
Route 31,1 km
Duration 2:45 h

Culinary Mountain Tour – Semriach

Accessible by public transport
Blick von den Hängen des Schöckls auf Sankt Radegund | Harry Schiffer | © Region Graz
Sankt Radegund bei Graz medium
Route 34,6 km
Duration 2:55 h

Panoramic Tour – around the Schöckl

Accessible by public transport
View of the basilica Mariatrost, Graz, Eastern Styria | (c) WEGES | © Oststeiermark Tourismus
Graz medium
Route 24,1 km
Duration 7:00 h

Pope Francis Pilgrimage from Graz to Weiz

Accessible by public transport
GH.Sandwirt | Andrea Gottlieb | © Region Graz
Semriach easy
Route 11,9 km
Duration 5:00 h

R5a Präbichl-Schöcklstraßenweg

Accessible by public transport
Quellenwege St. Radegund | MiasPhotoart  | © Region Graz
Sankt Radegund bei Graz medium
Route 4,6 km
Duration 2:00 h

The promising Hubertus circuit

Accessible by public transport
Kesselfallklamm | Tom Lamm | © Region Graz
Semriach medium
Route 2,5 km
Duration 1:00 h

Tour R6: Kesselfallrundweg

Accessible by public transport
kühles Quellwasser an kühlen Plätzen | Andrea Adler-König | © Region Graz
Sankt Radegund bei Graz medium
Route 8,2 km
Duration 2:45 h

The culturally rich Calvary tour

Accessible by public transport
Frühling am Doktorteich | Andrea Adler-König | © Region Graz
Sankt Radegund bei Graz easy
Route 3,1 km
Duration 1:00 h

The ‘great’ Hungarian round

Accessible by public transport
Armbad nach Kneipp am Quellenweg | Andrea Adler-König | © Region Graz
Sankt Radegund bei Graz easy
Route 1,6 km
Duration 0:30 h

The ‘inner’ Hungarian round

Accessible by public transport
Unterwegs am Planetenwanderweg | Harry Schiffer | © TV Eggersdorf-Weinitzen
Eggersdorf bei Graz easy
Route 6,2 km
Duration 1:40 h

Eggersdorf planetary path

65 Results