© Thermen- & Vulkanland | Der Ferder © Thermen- & Vulkanland | Der Ferder

Excursions in the Thermen- & Vulkanland

Every holiday involves a culinary discovery or two that you won’t forget in a hurry. Visitors will savour the memory of the Zotter Chocolate Factory, where you can “nibble” your way through the history of chocolate from the cocoa bean to the finished product. Of course, that’s not the only gourmet world to invite you to sample its delicious products – there’s also the Vulcano Ham Manufactory, for example, and Gölles Manufacturing for fine vinegars and fruit brandies as well.

However, it’s not just the culinary treasures of the region that delight visitors both young and old... There’s also a whole host of fascinating wonders to explore in art & culture (just take the Schlösserstraße “Castle Road”, for example), handicrafts, nature & adventure too!

Take a look here to find your own personal highlights for your next holiday in Southeast Styria.

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Alpaka 2 | © Steintal Alpakas
  • Tieschen

Steintal Alpakas

Farm visit at the Steintal Alpaca farm,experience hour for children and parents!
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Buschenschank | © Weinbau Neubauer am Rosenberg
  • open today
  • Straden

Buschenschank Neubauer

Home made pastries, ribs and a breath-taking view await you at the Weinhof und Buschenschank Neubauer on the Rosenberg...
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Neue Heimat des Jagd-, Natur- & Wilderermuseums | © Harald Kautschitsch
  • St. Peter a. Ottersbach

Jagd-, Natur- & Wilderermuseum

The aim of the museum is to awaken the understanding for the concerns of hunting, game and nature. Together, the...
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Familie Krispel | © Jean Van Luelik Photographer
  • Straden

Genussgut Krispel - Erlebniswelt Wirtschaft

The Krispel Gourmet Estate in the Thermal & Volcanic Country is a total experience for all the senses: Take plenty...
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Maitz Kaffeerösterei | © Maitz Kaffeerösterei
  • St. Anna/Aigen

Maitz - Kaffeerösterei

There is a coffee roasting plant in Frutten-Gießelsdorf. For the Maitz family, this is the first step towards their...
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