© Mariazeller Bürgeralpe |  Rudy Dellinger © Mariazeller Bürgeralpe |  Rudy Dellinger
Castles, mountains, glassblowing – excursion destinations

Excursion destinations in Hochsteiermark

Whether it’s Mariazell Pilgrimage Basilica, the knights of Oberkapfenberg Castle, the impressive mountain world of the Hochschwab massif or the Waldheimat region, home to famous Austrian poet Peter Rosegger. The UNESCO world heritage Semmering railway, Austria’s only earth station in Aflenz or the glass manufactory in Neuberg an der Mürz. Hochsteiermark is full of thrilling, fascinating and surprising excursion destinations!


All excursion destinations in Hochsteiermark at a glance

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Dampflok | © www.museumstramway.at
  • Mariazell

Museumstramway Mariazell

Museum tramway Mariazell - ErlaufseeA trip on the museum tramway from Mariazell station to Erlaufsee is an experience...
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Hubertussee | © TV Hochsteiermark/Fred Lindmoser
  • Mariazell


This romantically situated lake was created by the industrial family Krupp at the turn of the century. The lake, named...
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Aussenansicht | © TV Hochsteiermark
  • Mariazell

Mariazeller Heimathaus

Get to know the history of Mariazell in the Mariazeller Heimathaus during a guided tour
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Blick auf die Basilika | © TV Hochsteiermark / Brigitte Digruber
  • Mariazell

Mariazeller Stadtspaziergang

Experience the unique history of the pilgrimage site on a tour through the center of Mariazell.
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Hubertussee in der Walstern | © TV Hochsteiermark | Fred Lindmoser
  • Mariazell


This romantically situated lake was created around the turn of the century by the Krupp family of industrialists. ...
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Basilika im Frühling | © TV Hochsteiermark
  • Mariazell

Basilika Mariazell

The prominence of the region Mariazeller Land stems from the famous pilgrimage church Basilika Mariazell, which has...
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Montanmuseum | © TV Hochsteiermark
  • Mariazell

Montanmuseum Gußwerk

Immerse yourself in the mining history of Gußwerk!
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Ausflugsschiff am See | © TV Hochsteiermark
  • Mariazell

Ausflugsschiff "Christina" am Erlaufsee

Enjoy a round trip on the lake Erlaufsee with the newly restored ship "Christina".
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Minigolf | © Minigolfplatz Mariazell
  • Mariazell

Minigolfplatz Mariazell

Entertaining hours at the mini golf course await you!
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Marienwasserfall im Frühling | © TV Hochsteiermark
  • Mariazell


A side trip to the Marienwasserfall in the Grünau should not be missing on any visit to Mariazell!
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Hoch hinaus im Waldseilgarten Erlaufsee | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
  • Mariazell

Waldseilgarten Erlaufsee

Welcome to the high ropes course at Erlaufsee!
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Blick zur Bruder Klaus Kirche | © TV Hochsteiermark
  • Mariazell

Bruder Klaus Kirche

The Brother Klaus Church on the banks of the Hubertus Lake in the Walster area lies in the heart of an untouched...
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© Heselehof | nicoleseiser.at

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