St. Marein - Feistritz
Gemeinde St. Marein-Feistritz
Dorfstraße 36
8733 St. Marein-Feistritz +43 3515 4232 0 +43 3515 4232 15 Send email Website
What guests can look forward to
About the region
When you drive into the district of St. Marein, you will see the Gothic parish church, which was consecrated in 1490 and is visible from afar, on a hill. Its late Gothic winged altar and the numerous extraordinary architectural gems make this St. Mary's Church particularly interesting. In order to have a look inside the precious church, it is possible to register in the parish courtyard during the office hours. Outside these hours, Mrs. Alexandra Schneidler, parish secretary, is at your disposal at any time under Tel.: 0664/87426453. Also of interest is the Filial Church in St. Martha and the Feistritz Church!
Arts and crafts and blacksmithing
In the last decades handicrafts seemed to disappear, but recently a movement towards high quality handicrafts has developed - also in Feistritz. There is the art smithy "Metall 4 You", which produces remarkable individual pieces in pure handicraft. The blacksmith uses fire as her main source of heat. A separate exhibition garden allows visitors to be inspired and find peace at the same time.