Bürgermeister-Runde, Nechnitz
The leisurely walk is ideal for a digestive stroll, an afternoon stroll or simply to get some fresh air.
At the “Mayor Round”, named after the former mayor Mr. Christandl, explore the Nechnitz high plateau in the Almenland Nature Park. The leisurely walk starts at the Gasthof Frankenhof and goes over asphalted streets, meadows and also gravel paths. The path is easy to walk, ideal for families or those who just want a short walk. The Gasthof Frankenhof is an ideal place to stop for a break. On this tour you also get a great view of the “Rote Wand”, a special natural jewel in the Almenland Nature Park.
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More information
- We start at the Gasthof Frankenhof in Nechnitz
- Take path no. 740 to “Schöngrund” to the property of the former mayor Christandl
- The meadow path leads to path no. 15
- Path no. 15 flows into the Tyrnauer Landesstraße, here we turn left
- We then turn left again to the Gasthof Frankenhof, the starting point.
Try the Krempl family's own game specialties at the Frankenhof on the Nechnitz.
Blick auf die Rote Wand_Trieb Laura.jpg | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Laura Trieb
20190904_103834.jpg | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christine Pollhammer
Frankenhof Haus_neu 2015.jpg | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Gasthof Frankenhof
What the weather will be like
Fladnitz an der Teichalm (696m)
Rain at daybreak, then slowly drying up and partly sunny during the day.
Rain for most of the day, maximum intensities around noon.
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