Johnsbach shadow side path
Leisurely and family-friendly hike from GH Donnerwirt/Bergsteigerfriedhof to Kölblwirt along the Johnsbach.
Leisurely and family-friendly hike from GH Donnerwirt/Bergsteigerfriedhof to Kölblwirt along the Johnsbach.
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Über B146 und L743 nach Johnsbach.
Starting at the beginning of the village of Johnsbach at the Donnerwirt, we follow the village road for a few metres to soon turn right onto a pleasant path along the Johnsbach. At the beginning, the path climbs slightly to eventually meander comfortably through the entire high valley. Again and again there are wonderful views of the Ödstein and the Admont Reichenstein. At the Kölblwirt inn we rejoin the village road. After a comfortable rest at the Kölblwirt, we return to our starting point at the Donnerwirt.
Also visit the historic mountaineers' cemetery near the Donnerwirt! Cool off at the natural Kneipp facility along the way!
Von Hieflau oder Admont mit der Buslinie 912 bis zur Haltestelle Gesäuse Kummerbrücke
Parkplatz Gasthof Donnerwirt oder Gasthof Kölblwirt
johnsbacher schattseitenweg_img_51666236 | © TV Gesäuse | Tourismusverband Gesäuse
Kneippanlage Johnsbach | © TV Gesäuse | Thomas Sattler
johnsbacher schattseitenweg_img_51666238 | © TV Gesäuse | Tourismusverband Gesäuse
Kneippanlage Johnsbach | © TV Gesäuse | Thomas Sattler
Abkühlung an heißen Sommertagen | © TV Gesäuse | Thomas Sattler
Wanderung entlang des Schattseitenweges | © TV Gesäuse | Thomas Sattler
johnsbacher schattseitenweg_img_51666301 | © TV Gesäuse | Thomas Sattler
Rastplatz bei der Kneippanlage | © TV Gesäuse | Thomas Sattler
Pfarrkirche Johnsbach | © TV Gesäuse | Thomas Sattler
What the weather will be like
Admont (635m)
Unsettled weather with showers and sunny spells in between.
Rain for most of the day, maximum intensities around noon.
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