Classical and segment tissue, reflexology,
Acupuncture massage and manual lymphatic drainage, energy balancing massage
A good massage affects the body at all levels.
She looks at:
• disorders of the musculoskeletal system
• activates blood circulation
• transported from toxins and waste materials
• relieves tension, cramps
• relieves muscle soreness
• bonds in fat and connective tissue are dissolved
• has a positive effect on the psyche
The classic massage
Classical massage affects and regulates muscle tone (internal stress of the muscle).
The body is freed from harmful substances fatigue, muscle soreness, muscle tension and muscle tightness.
The reflexology establishes the connection between the individual organs in the body and the corresponding nerve endpoints in the feet.
Intensive Stimulation of the reflex zones, the untapped vitality, in the base of the brain, aroused.
The lymphatic drainage
Manual lymphatic drainage is a form of physical therapy applications, their mode of action is broad. She also serves as edema and decongestion of swollen body regions such as the trunk and extremities (arms and legs), which can occur after abdominal and / or breast cancer operations. By circular movement techniques, which are applied with slight pressure, the liquid is displaced from the tissue into the lymphatic system. The manual lymphatic drainage affects predominantly the skin and subcutaneous area and should no more blood flow, as in the classic massage, effect.
Thai Yoga (Nuad)
Nuad's 2,500-year-old form of bodywork, whose name means "healing touch". A Nuadbehandlung always refers to the entire body with a.
Applications: Nuad recommended because of its positive properties particularly for:
• People in all forms of stress situations
• Pregnant women
• as support therapies for physical ailments.
The focus is on a (new) awareness of perception of the body, which may be totally passive for the duration of treatment.