"The Mystery of the Three Towers" is an interactive adventure game in which puzzles, in the style of an escape room, have been rolled out over the entire area of Radstadt town center and staged with an exciting story and lots of spectacular effects. By solving the puzzles, the players drive the story forward themselves and become the main characters in this cinematic adventure.
Normal price: € 85,00
Price with Sommercard: € 72,00
Starting times between 09:00 and 15:00
Year-round operation
On Sundays and public holidays, the games are handed out at the Hotel Gasthof Stegerbräu, next to the tourist. information office
Ideal for older children from the age of 8, from the age of 12 can be played without adult supervision.
Note for babies/toddlers & pets: Parts of the game are indoors: Some of the rooms are dark with light effects and loud noises.