Knerzlhof - farm shop - Impression #1

Knerzlhof - farm shop

Haus im Ennstal-Aich-Gössenberg

Holstein Milk
Nature is simple, our raw milk too, unpasteurised, untreated and good. Our cows are the most reliable employees on the farm. We hold them in high esteem, give them names and let them graze in the pasture. As a positive result we offer you and us a farm-fresh raw milk that gives life. The idea for our "Project Raw Milk" is a new, trustful cooperation between farmers and consumers. Where your good money goes, "new things" grow.

Our cows spend the summer months on the alpine pastures. In winter they live in our newly built, modern barn. Within 26-30 months the oxen reach slaughter maturity. The slaughter takes place in a respectful environment. As our butcher is only a few kilometres away from us, our animals have a stress-free transport.
The meat is perfectly processed by the master butcher, vacuumed, labelled and packed in 5 kg and 10 kg packages. Our aim is to market as much as possible ourselves.


Sonnberg 6

8967 Weißenbach bei Haus
Moile +43 664 4357161