Bus - Transfer Ennstal to Dachstein Glaciar Cable Car
Guests and locals (groups of 25 people or more) can take the Ramsauer Verkehrsbetriebe bus from Irdning sports ground to the Dachstein Glacier cable car. Please register on the bus for the return transfer from Obertraun. Registration is required by calling +43 3687 81870.
Bus - Transfer from Obertraun to Schladming, Ramsau and Dachstein Glacier Cable Car
Planai buses provide safe and carefree return transport from Obertraun to Schladming. The buses run in good weather and against registration from the valley station cable car Obertraun to Schladming, Ramsau and Dachstein valley station. Registration is required at +43 3687 22042 117.
With the Ramsauer Verkehrsbetriebe there is also a return transport from Obertraun to Ramsau am Dachstein at the Obertraun valley station cable car. Registration is required at +43 3687 81870.